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Tag: Candidates

Is Elizabeth Warren Running Yet?

This week, Run Warren Run launched a new website to answer a question it seems everyone has been asking: Is Elizabeth Warren running for president? We have the answer … Not yet. Come on, haven’t you been watching the news? But we’re focused on convincing Senator Warren to change her mind, and we know that having her voice in the presidential […]

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A Look Back: Run Warren Run Builds Momentum in First Quarter

It’s hard to believe that it’s been four months since MoveOn.org Political Action and Democracy for America members joined together to launch Run Warren Run—a campaign focused on encouraging progressive champion Sen. Elizabeth Warren into the presidential race. Reflecting back on the first 120 days of this campaign, MoveOn.org Political Action Executive Director Ilya Sheyman […]

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Will the Democratic Party Listen to its Populist Wing?

By Katelyn Johnson and Jonathan Westin As establishment favorite Rahm Emanuel fights desperately for his political survival against a less well-known progressive populist candidate, could the same thing happen to Hillary Clinton in the Democratic presidential primary? With standard-bearers like Senator Elizabeth Warren, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, and Jesús “Chuy” García tackling […]

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Mark Ruffalo’s Passionate Plea to Senator Elizabeth Warren

On Friday night, Senator Elizabeth Warren joined “The HuffPost Show” to discuss the paperback release of her book, A Fighting Chance. Senator Warren discussed the journey that has led her to become the progressive champion that we know her to be today—the same journey that has turned her into the senator who hundreds of thousands of Americans […]

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Corporations May Not Want a Contested Primary, But These Top Progressive Leaders Do

In case you missed it: This morning, Politico highlighted a new letter published by longtime labor and environmental activists Larry Cohen and Annie Leonard calling for a contested Democratic primary.Read more of the piece below, then click here to get involved in the Run Warren Run campaign for yourself. Top liberals call for Warren candidacy By Gabriel […]

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Lawrence Lessig, Van Jones, Zephyr Teachout to headline Run Warren Run event in April – Run Warren Run news, 3/27

This is one in a series of semi-regular updates on our Run Warren Run effort and Senator Warren’s work to give all Americans a fighting chance. LAWRENCE LESSIG, VAN JONES, ZEPHYR TEACHOUT TO HEADLINE MAJOR NYC RUN WARREN RUN EVENT IN APRIL. Here’s more from MSNBC’s Alex Seitz-Wald:  “Progressive groups hoping to draft Massachusetts Sen. […]

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MUST SEE: MoveOn’s Anna Galland Joins ‘The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell’ to discuss Run Warren Run

Last night, MoveOn.org Civic Action Executive Director Anna Galland joined “The Last Word” with Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC to discuss The Boston Globe’s call for Elizabeth Warren to run for president. Anna, who penned one of the three op-eds that accompanied the piece from The Boston Globe’s editorial board, made the case for Run Warren Run and explained why more […]

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