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Tag: RWR endorsement

Corporations May Not Want a Contested Primary, But These Top Progressive Leaders Do

In case you missed it: This morning, Politico highlighted a new letter published by longtime labor and environmental activists Larry Cohen and Annie Leonard calling for a contested Democratic primary.Read more of the piece below, then click here to get involved in the Run Warren Run campaign for yourself. Top liberals call for Warren candidacy By Gabriel […]

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Lawrence Lessig, Van Jones, Zephyr Teachout to headline Run Warren Run event in April – Run Warren Run news, 3/27

This is one in a series of semi-regular updates on our Run Warren Run effort and Senator Warren’s work to give all Americans a fighting chance. LAWRENCE LESSIG, VAN JONES, ZEPHYR TEACHOUT TO HEADLINE MAJOR NYC RUN WARREN RUN EVENT IN APRIL. Here’s more from MSNBC’s Alex Seitz-Wald:  “Progressive groups hoping to draft Massachusetts Sen. […]

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Lawrence Lessig to Call for Elizabeth Warren Presidential Bid, Deliver Major Run Warren Run Speech

In an upcoming speech in New York, Lessig will outline why we need Sen. Elizabeth Warren in the presidential race and why she is best positioned to tackle money in politics. NEW YORK — In a major speech scheduled for April 20, 2015 in New York City, Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Lessig, one of the […]

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This is HUGE: The Working Family Party Endorses Run Warren Run

Last night, The New York Times broke news that the Working Families Party of New York State voted to encourage Elizabeth Warren to run for president. As MoveOn.org Civic Action Executive Director Anna Galland said, “This is a big deal!” The New York Working Families Party is a major force in the fight for progressive change. They fight […]

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