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Tag: Candidates

Iowa results a huge win for Bernie

Ilya Sheyman, executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action, had the following response to the results of the Democratic caucuses in Iowa: “It is incredible that Bernie Sanders came from so far behind in just a few short months, closing a massive gap to end up in a virtual tie in the Iowa Caucus tonight. These […]

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MoveOn to Launch Presidential Endorsement Vote on Thursday

UPDATE: VOTING HAS NOW STARTED. CAST YOUR BALLOT AT MoveOn.org/2016prezendorse Vote open to full MoveOn membership will begin at noon Eastern on Thursday and run through 2:59 a.m. Eastern Monday morning; vote continues MoveOn’s history of putting members in driver’s seat on key decisions. WASHINGTON, DC — MoveOn.org Political Action announced today that it will hold […]

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VICTORY: Anti-Refugee Measure Defeated in Congress

Something important happened last week: We stopped Congress from slamming the door on Syrian families seeking refuge. Against the odds, compassion and our best American values prevailed—beating out fear, hate-baiting, and xenophobia.1 It didn’t just happen. We fought for it. And we won. In the middle of this holiday season, we wanted to share what […]

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MoveOn Members’ First 2016 Endorsement: Russ Feingold

The endorsement is the first for MoveOn this cycle and the top-priority Senate race for MoveOn; there are more than 150,000 MoveOn members in Wisconsin. WISCONSIN — Wisconsin members of MoveOn.org Political Action have voted decisively to endorse progressive champion Russ Feingold in the state’s U.S. Senate race, with an overwhelming 98% of votes cast […]

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Run Warren Run news: Fast-Track Edition, 5/12

This is one of MoveOn.org’s semi-regular updates on our Run Warren Run effort and Senator Warren’s work to give all Americans a fighting chance. TPP FAST-TRACK BILL EXPECTED TO FACE SENATE VOTE TODAY: Thanks in part to Senator Warren, the Fast-Track negotiating authority for the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal has become a national progressive fight. […]

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