Check Out MoveOn’s New Election Store!

The powerful designs on shirts and stickers in our new online store support our work to defeat Trump and the hatred he promotes.
The powerful designs on shirts and stickers in our new online store support our work to defeat Trump and the hatred he promotes.
MoveOn members will work to ensure country reject’s Trump’s authoritarianism and hate.
Just over two months ago, MoveOn members voted overwhelmingly to endorse Bernie Sanders for President. Since then this revolutionary campaign has accomplished more than anyone predicted—as The New York Times just reported yesterday, Bernie has a real pathway to victory, a sign of the momentum that has catapulted a long-shot candidate into a serious contender. After this […]
Ilya Sheyman, executive director of Political Action had the following reaction to President Obama’s nomination of Chief Judge Merrick Garland of the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, to the Supreme Court. “President Obama has fulfilled his constitutional duty by nominating Judge Merrick Garland, but instead of fulfilling their constitutional duty, […]
With a record-setting 78.6 percent of 340,665 votes cast by the MoveOn membership, Senator Bernie Sanders has won Political Action’s endorsement for president with the largest total and widest margin in MoveOn history. only endorses candidates based on votes by our members. Our only previous presidential endorsement during a Democratic primary was for […]
UPDATE: VOTING HAS NOW STARTED. CAST YOUR BALLOT AT Vote open to full MoveOn membership will begin at noon Eastern on Thursday and run through 2:59 a.m. Eastern Monday morning; vote continues MoveOn’s history of putting members in driver’s seat on key decisions. WASHINGTON, DC — Political Action announced today that it will hold […]
If you ever doubted MoveOn members’ ability to come together to effect change, you have to check out this rundown of what we accomplished in 2015. THE TOP 10 THINGS MOVEON MEMBERS GOT DONE IN 2015 1. WE SECURED DIPLOMACY WITH IRAN, PREVENTING AN UNNECESSARY WAR MoveOn members continued our long history of advocating for […]
Something important happened last week: We stopped Congress from slamming the door on Syrian families seeking refuge. Against the odds, compassion and our best American values prevailed—beating out fear, hate-baiting, and xenophobia.1 It didn’t just happen. We fought for it. And we won. In the middle of this holiday season, we wanted to share what […]
Help War RefugeesNearly 60 million people worldwide have been driven from their homes by war and persecution. Half of the displaced are children. For once, instead of spending billions on war, we can use our resources to provide humanitarian relief and save lives. Call Congress and demand they do more by supporting the Graham-Leahy bill […]