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Author: Anna Galland

VICTORY: Anti-Refugee Measure Defeated in Congress

Something important happened last week: We stopped Congress from slamming the door on Syrian families seeking refuge. Against the odds, compassion and our best American values prevailed—beating out fear, hate-baiting, and xenophobia.1 It didn’t just happen. We fought for it. And we won. In the middle of this holiday season, we wanted to share what […]

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LEARN MORE: MoveOn Members Are Sending Communities of Recent ISIS Attacks a Message of Love and Compassion

Some are calling the horrific attacks in Paris “France’s 9/11.” The senseless massacres in Paris—and the bombings in Beirut the day before—have sent the world into mourning. The killings triggered a flood of solidarity, compassion, and calls for accountability—but also the risk of an unreasoned backlash that will compound the tragedy. Hate cannot defeat hate. […]

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MoveOn.org Reacts to the Tragic Church Shooting in South Carolina

The brutal murder of nine members of the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, is abhorrent and cause for national mourning. We extend our heartfelt condolences to all those grieving today in Charleston and across the nation. As part of a sickening legacy of racist violence perpetrated against the Black community, yesterday’s shooting is also […]

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8 things to know about the Iraq crisis

U.S. bombing strikes are now well under way in Iraq in a military mission that President Obama said could go on for months.1 U.S. military planes have also been delivering vital humanitarian assistance to civilians fleeing the violence, including Yazidis who were forced onto Iraq’s Mount Sinjar by ISIS militants laying siege on the mountain.2 MoveOn members across […]

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Amplify the powerful message of a bereaved father

Richard Martinez’s son was killed in the UC Santa Barbara mass shooting. We want to get video footage of his powerful public remarks in front of every staffer on Capitol Hill in Washington, and every state legislator around the country. MoveOn members are chipping in now to make that happen. Watch Mr. Martinez’s powerful interview […]

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Statement in response to Rep. Stockman’s bogus “MoveOn supports terrorists” attack

Rep. Stockman’s ‘MoveOn supports terrorists’ attack is ridiculous on its face. This kind of dishonest attack is exactly the reason Steve Stockman has zero credibility. Remember, Rep. Stockman is the guy who said President Obama’s support of marriage equality is ‘setting up for a dictatorship,’ that the GM bailout brought ‘fascism’ to America, and that the […]

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