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Category: Press Room

MoveOn Statement on the GOP’s Use of the Filibuster to Prevent an Investigation into the Capitol Insurrection

Washington, D.C. — Today, Rahna Epting, the executive director of MoveOn, released the following statement regarding Republicans’ use of the filibuster to prevent the creation of a January 6 Commission: “Today, Mitch McConnell used the Jim Crow-era filibuster to do exactly what it was created for — propping up white supremacy at the expense of democracy. […]

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MoveOn Statement on the GOP’s Counteroffer to President Biden’s Infrastructure Plan

Washington, D.C. — Today, Rahna Epting, the executive director of MoveOn, released the following statement after Senators Capito, Toomey, Barrasso and Blunt released their own version of an infrastructure plan:  “Another day, another offer from Republicans that falls well short of meeting the needs of this moment. This is a classic Washington trick — attempt […]

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MoveOn Executive Director Rahna Epting on the Escalating Crisis in Palestine and Israel

Washington, D.C. — Today, Rahna Epting, the executive director of MoveOn, released the following statement on the escalating crisis in Palestine and Israel: “President Biden campaigned on advancing human rights and a diplomacy-first foreign policy to restore America’s leadership around the world. He now must take urgent action to help de-escalate the situation in Palestine […]

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MoveOn Statement on President Joe Biden’s First Hundred Days in Office 

Today, Rahna Epting, the executive director of MoveOn, released the following statement on President Biden’s first hundred days in office.  “In just the first hundred days of the Biden Administration, we have already experienced some of the seismic changes people across the country fought for to save our democracy from the callous, cruel, and catastrophic […]

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MoveOn Statement on Derek Chauvin Verdict

Rahna Epting, executive director of MoveOn, released the following statement on the Derek Chauvin verdict: “Today, we express a collective sigh of relief. The Derek Chauvin verdict is a welcome measure of accountability. Yet, the truth is that Chauvin being convicted for killing George Floyd is, unfortunately, the exception in this country, not the rule.”  “In […]

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MoveOn on Biden Infrastructure Plan: “Democrats Must Move With Boldness And Urgency To Meet This Moment”

Statement of Rahna Epting, Executive Director of MoveOn, on President Biden’s infrastructure plan: “President Biden has laid out a bold first step to rebuilding our country after the catastrophic impacts of the pandemic and President Trump’s failed leadership. It is the exact kind of leadership and change from the past that voters voted for in […]

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MoveOn Applauds Congressional Passage of the COVID-19 Relief Package

WASHINGTON, DC — Moments ago, the United States House of Representatives passed the Senate’s version of President Biden’s COVID-19 relief bill, which will provide millions of people with $1,400 direct payments, billions of dollars for vaccines and testing, and tax breaks to low-income earners and families with children, among other vital policies. In response, Rahna […]

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New York MoveOn Members Endorse Brittany Ramos DeBarros for Congress

Members in NY’s 11th Congressional District praised DeBarros’s commitment to progressive values. NEW YORK — Today, MoveOn Political Action is announcing that its members in New York’s 11th Congressional District have voted to endorse Brittany Ramos DeBarros for the U.S. House. Sixty-eight percent of voting MoveOn members in the district supported endorsing Ramos DeBarros, citing […]

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MoveOn Members in Ohio’s 11th Endorse Nina Turner for U.S. Congress Ahead of Special Election

78% of voting members in the 11th District of Ohio support Turner, applauding her previous work for Ohioans and her commitment to progressive values. MoveOn members in Ohio’s 11th District have voted overwhelmingly to endorse Nina Turner for U.S. Congress, with more than 78% of votes cast in favor of Turner. Watch the exclusive announcement […]

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MoveOn Calls on Schumer, McConnell to Remove Seditious Senators from Senate Impeachment Trial

Senators who supported Trump’s insurrection cannot also be his judges. As House Speaker Nancy Pelosi prepares to send to the U.S. Senate the article of impeachment passed by the House against Donald Trump for inciting a deadly insurrection in an attempt to undermine America’s election, MoveOn Executive Director Rahna Epting issued the following statement: “Donald […]

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