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Author: MoveOn

Congress Must Move to Impeach Justice Thomas

Washington, D.C. – In response to the ProPublica exposé revealing Justice Clarence Thomas spent the last 20 years vacationing on luxury trips with a mega Republican donor and didn’t recuse himself from McDonnell v. United States (2016), MoveOn Executive Director Rahna Epting issued the following statement: “Every day that Clarence Thomas remains on the Supreme […]

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In 2021, MoveOn members rose up against injustices and ran inspiring campaigns!

2021 was quite a year, and the work we did together is an inspiration—whether MoveOn members were working locally to stop a toxic pipeline project, holding corporations accountable for profiting off of right-wing conspiracy theories, or helping to keep people in their homes during the global pandemic, we have rallied together in moments of uncertainty […]

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MoveOn Executive Director Rahna Epting Statement on Senate Vote on Filibuster

The Fight Continues for the Freedom to Vote We need more elected leaders who fight for our power instead of their own. Statement from MoveOn Executive Director Rahna Epting: “President Biden forcefully and accurately laid out the choice between addressing the grave and growing threat to our democracy or protecting the arcane Senate filibuster rule. […]

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MoveOn Executive Director Rahna Epting Statement on the House Build Back Better Vote

Historic Investments in Jobs, Care, Climate, and Immigration are Huge Wins for America Following House passage of the Build Back Better Act, Rahna Epting issued the following statement: “This is a historic day, and this is historic legislation.  “Eighty-one million people showed up last November to usher Democrats into the White House and both majorities […]

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MoveOn Executive Director Rahna Epting Statement on the House Infrastructure Vote

Following House passage of the bipartisan infrastructure bill and the vote to advance the Build Back Better Act, MoveOn Executive Director Rahna Epting issued the following statement: “MoveOn thanks all of the U.S. House progressives and their deep commitment to advancing the entirety of President Biden’s agenda. Together we’ve made incredible progress and there is […]

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MoveOn Executive Director Rahna Epting Statement on Passing the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill with the Build Back Better Act

“Conservative Democrats have not been negotiating in good faith. Every time we get close to taking President Biden’s agenda over the finish line, they move the goalposts.  “We were ready and excited to celebrate the House passage of both the Build Back Better Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure plan today. We believe in all of […]

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MoveOn Executive Director Rahna Epting Statement on the GOP Filibuster of the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act

Statement by Rahna Epting, Executive Director of MoveOn on the GOP Filibuster of the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act: “We can either have a democracy or we can have the filibuster. But Republicans prove we can’t have both.”  “Another day, another Republican filibuster of critical voting rights legislation. The Republican plan is clear — […]

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