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Author: MoveOn

MoveOn Executive Director Rahna Epting on Announcement of Initial Framework on Build Back Better

In response to reports of an initial framework on Build Back Better being announced MoveOn Executive Director Rahna Epting issued the following statement: Framework makes historic investments, but more work ahead to seal the deal “Voters elected Democrats to the White House and majorities in Congress on the power of President Biden’s vision of the […]

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Senator Sinema’s Constituents Less Likely to Support her Re-election If She Continues to Obstruct Biden’s Build Back Better Agenda

89% of MoveOn member respondents – many who volunteered for her campaign – less likely to support her again in the next election Washington, D.C. – A survey of MoveOn’s over 300,000 members in Arizona – many of whom volunteered for or otherwise supported Senator Sinema’s last campaign – showed that 89% of them would […]

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Statement of Rahna Epting, Executive Director of MoveOn, after Big Pharma Dems Vote to Gut Drug Reform Measures in Reconciliation

Statement by Rahna Epting, Executive Director of MoveOn, on Representatives Rice, Schrader and Peters gutting prescription drug reform measures in reconciliation: “Nearly two million dollars in campaign contributions. That is what it took for Big Pharma to buy the votes of three conservative Democrats to defeat the most meaningful prescription drug reform measure in generations. […]

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MoveOn: Time to Finish the Job With A Once-In-A-Generation Opportunity On Infrastructure and Reconciliation

Statement by Nita Chaudhary, Chief of Programs at MoveOn: “Now that the Senate has passed an infrastructure bill and initial $3.5 billion budget reconciliation instructions, Democrats must finish the job of this once-in-a-generation opportunity to pass significant legislation that truly meets the size and scale of what is needed.  “House Democrats should follow Speaker Pelosi’s […]

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MoveOn Executive Director Responds to Republicans Filibustering the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill

Statement of Rahna Epting, Executive Director of MoveOn, on Republicans filibustering the bipartisan infrastructure bill: “Enough. We can’t wait on Republicans any longer. They had a chance to come to the table, negotiate in good faith and deliver for the American people. They failed to do so. “President Biden has spent months bending over backwards […]

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