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MoveOn Executive Director Rahna Epting on Announcement of Initial Framework on Build Back Better

In response to reports of an initial framework on Build Back Better being announced MoveOn Executive Director Rahna Epting issued the following statement:

Framework makes historic investments, but more work ahead to seal the deal

“Voters elected Democrats to the White House and majorities in Congress on the power of President Biden’s vision of the Build Back Better Agenda. All of its provisions—jobs, care, climate, and immigration—are popular because they are essential to what our country needs to thrive. Taken together–the American Rescue Plan, the Bipartisan Infrastructure bill, and this Build Back Better framework–would be historic investments in our communities, our climate, and our economy. To ensure Congress delivers on this landmark progress, we support progressives calling for assurances that everything in this promising framework ends up in the final legislative package.

“The framework includes so much of what MoveOn members and progressives have supported for decades. It includes historic investments for the care our children and elders need, the biggest investments in history to tackle the climate crisis and advance a more equitable, clean energy economy, along with critical reductions to healthcare and childcare costs. It also reflects the administration’s continued commitment to advance important immigration reform. It will make life better for nearly all Americans, while also finally making the rich pay more of their fair share. 

“There is obviously more work to be done to address the economic and climate crises impacting our communities, and many desperately needed provisions are not included. Today’s news is a good start on the path to an equitable recovery for all – but make no mistake – there should be no rush to vote on the Bipartisan Infrastructure plan until assurances are firmed up in Congress committing to this Build Back Better framework.” 
