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Category: Featured Campaigns

VICTORY: Judge’s Ruling Sets Course for Fighting Ohio’s Same-Sex Marriage Ban

John Arthur, a terminally ill Ohio resident, was concerned that he would die without his partner, Jim Obergefell, being formally recognized as his spouse. So the couple flew to Maryland to be legally married, and a judge issued a temporary order requiring Ohio to list Obergefell as Arthur’s “surviving spouse” on his death certificate—but Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine threatened to appeal the judge’s decision. That’s why Steve Bluestein started a MoveOn Petition telling Ohio officials to recognize the marriage.

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VICTORY: Mental Health Services Stay Open in Southern Tier

In July, the New York State Office of Mental Health announced plans to close two mental health facilities in the state’s Southern Tier—a move that would deny more than a million rural New Yorkers access to local mental health care. Morgan Willoughby started a MoveOn Petition to save the facilities and keep those vital services in the region.

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VICTORY: Erie County Bans Fracking

All across the country, MoveOn members are standing together against fracking. And in Erie County, New York, public sentiment against fracking was so strong that the county chair introduced a bill to ban fracking on county-owned land. Sarah Alexander of the organization Food & Water Watch started a MoveOn Petition to the Erie County Legislature, asking them to support the bill.

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New MoveOn TV ad: Let’s increase Social Security benefits

MoveOn members are doubling down on our campaign for an increase in Social Security benefits with a new TV ad that comes in response to Wall Street front group The Third Way’s recent attack on Social Security expansion. In the new ad, MoveOn.org Political Action urges members of Congress to listen to their constituents, stop […]

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VICTORY: Mel Watt Confirmed as FHFA Head

When Yanko Matias and Eluvia Lopez were threatened with foreclosure, they knew they needed to take action in a big way. That’s why, along with the organization New Bottom Line, they started a MoveOn Petition asking the U.S. Senate to end the months-long battle to confirm Representative Mel Watt as the new head of the Federal Housing Finance Agency.

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VICTORY: JPMorgan Loophole Defeated

In 2010, progressive champions in the Senate, including Senator Jeff Merkley of Oregon, fought to pass the Volcker Rule firewall, which restricts high-risk trading by big banks. The firewall, which is meant to protect taxpayers if Wall Street’s bad bets blow up, was met with opposition from big bank lobbyists. That’s why Sen. Merkley started a MoveOn Petition telling Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke to keep the so-called “JPMorgan Loophole,” which would blow holes in the firewall, out of the law.

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VICTORY: Target Adopts Safe Cosmetics Policy

The ingredients that go into cosmetics and personal care products aren’t regulated by the federal government—so it’s up to stores to protect their consumers from toxic chemicals in these products. That’s why Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner of MomsRising.org started a MoveOn Petition telling retail giant Target to ban poisonous chemicals from the store’s beauty and personal care aisles, expand their selection of safer products, and increase transparency about their progress in addressing safe cosmetics.

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VICTORY: Justice for Jasmine Thar

Jasmine Thar was a 16-year-old African-American girl who was shot and killed while preparing for a routine shopping trip with her family. The 23-year-old Caucasian male who fired the fatal shot was not charged with a crime of any kind because he claimed it was an accident—despite the fact that police found a Confederate flag and Nazi literature in his home. Jasmine’s family started a MoveOn Petition demanding justice.

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