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Category: Featured Campaigns

New Ad: GOP Siding With Big Oil and Dictators as Gas Prices Spike

An image of a sticker with Donald Trump with his arm around Vladimir Putin with a red arrow above them that says "We did that" and the hashtag #PutinPriceHike in front of them.

MoveOn ad campaign will run during NCAA March Madness on cable in GA, PA, & WI along with #PutinPriceHike aerial banners, mobile billboards, and stickers. MoveOn Political Action has released a new ad campaign during March Madness in key battleground states highlighting how, in the face of rising consumer gas prices, Republicans are siding with […]

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In 2021, MoveOn members rose up against injustices and ran inspiring campaigns!

2021 was quite a year, and the work we did together is an inspiration—whether MoveOn members were working locally to stop a toxic pipeline project, holding corporations accountable for profiting off of right-wing conspiracy theories, or helping to keep people in their homes during the global pandemic, we have rallied together in moments of uncertainty […]

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MoveOn Executive Director Rahna Epting on Announcement of Initial Framework on Build Back Better

In response to reports of an initial framework on Build Back Better being announced MoveOn Executive Director Rahna Epting issued the following statement: Framework makes historic investments, but more work ahead to seal the deal “Voters elected Democrats to the White House and majorities in Congress on the power of President Biden’s vision of the […]

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A New Supporter Briefing—See Our Impact

Thank you so much for supporting MoveOn!

Contributors like you power our massive and vibrant network. You’re a Partner for Change who helped fuel our work in 2020 to protect the right to vote, to advance racial justice, protect our democracy, and so much more. And our work does not stop. Over these next four years, we will continue to organize millions of people to push our country and democracy toward a future of justice, equality, sustainability, and love.

Read on to see how your contributions help make progress every day.

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New York MoveOn Members Endorse Brittany Ramos DeBarros for Congress

Members in NY’s 11th Congressional District praised DeBarros’s commitment to progressive values. NEW YORK — Today, MoveOn Political Action is announcing that its members in New York’s 11th Congressional District have voted to endorse Brittany Ramos DeBarros for the U.S. House. Sixty-eight percent of voting MoveOn members in the district supported endorsing Ramos DeBarros, citing […]

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MoveOn Member Stories: Change Starts From the Bottom-Up

Written by Kimm, MoveOn member I come from a long line of people who have served this country and people who, despite there being so many odds stacked against them, have pushed through and said, “The American dream is for me too. I am going to vote and you will respect this right to vote.” […]

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MoveOn Member Stories: Why I’m a Vote Mobilizer

By Todd, MoveOn member The rights of so many are at stake this election cycle. As a proud gay man, I cannot just stand by and see my rights made unavailable to me. But I know this election cycle in particular, it’s not only my rights that are on the line, but the rights of […]

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