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MoveOn Members Voting on Whether to Encourage Elizabeth Warren to Run for President

UPDATE: See early coverage in the New York Times and from CNN. SEE OUR NEWS RELEASE HERE: https://front.moveon.org/warrenvote/ MoveOn.org, one of the nation’s most influential grassroots organizations, is poised to throw our full weight behind a campaign encouraging Senator Elizabeth Warren to run for president, pending a full vote of the MoveOn membership today—the first nationwide […]

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RELEASE: MoveOn voting on whether to draft Elizabeth Warren for President

UPDATE: See early coverage in the New York Times and from CNN.   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 CONTACT: press@moveon.org MoveOn Kicks Off Member Vote on Campaign to Encourage Elizabeth Warren to Run for President MoveOn’s 8 million members will vote until 9 a.m. EST Wednesday on whether to launch a major ‘Run Warren Run’ […]

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Eric Garner’s Last Words

"I can't breath."

Eric Garner’s last words ring as a call to all of us—to pay attention and to act. Please share this with five friends who might not be fully aware of the protests that have erupted across the country, led by young people of color crying out for justice. LISTEN TO ERIC GARNER’S LAST WORDS Transcript: Get […]

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MoveOn’s all-star progressive round table

On December 3, MoveOn executive director, Anna Galland, hosted an incredible lineup featuring: Cristina Jimenez, co-founder of United We Dream, the nation’s largest immigrant youth-led organization, which was instrumental in winning executive action from President Obama; Heather McGhee, president of Demos, a progressive public policy shop working for an equal say and an equal chance […]

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Voters Rising: MoveOn and the 2014 Midterm Elections

MoveOn members mounted a truly moving, inspiring, impressive effort to turn out voters and fight for our progressive values in the 2014 midterm elections. Through our advanced voter contact program, volunteers made more than 6.75 million calls to voters—and thousands of progressives, many of whom had never volunteered before, took action together. We showed what we as […]

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Chip in to stand with Walmart workers this Black Friday

Today is Black Friday, the largest shopping day of the year—and Walmart workers have launched a massive strike to demand better wages and reasonable pay. This. Is. Huge. For years, Walmart has paid wages so low that employees are forced to survive on food stamps. The company has also been incredibly anti-union. Many of the workers who participate […]

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Deal with Iran in sight: Progressives applaud negotiators for taking the time they need to get it right

On the eve of their self-imposed cutoff to finalize a comprehensive nuclear agreement with Iran, negotiators representing the P5+1 — the United States, Russia, China, the UK, France, and Germany — and Iran have extended the deadline for completing their final agreement until July 1, 2015. The November 2013 deal which initially froze Iran’s nuclear […]

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