By admin. Monday, April 6 2015
On Friday night, Senator Elizabeth Warren joined “The HuffPost Show” to discuss the paperback release of her book, A Fighting Chance. Senator Warren discussed the journey that has led her to become the progressive champion that we know her to be today—the same journey that has turned her into the senator who hundreds of thousands of Americans […]
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Candidates | Elections
By MoveOn Staff. Thursday, April 2 2015
In response to the framework announced today between Iran and six world powers to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons, Anna Galland, executive director of Civic Action, said the following: “Today’s historic announcement of a strong framework between Iran and six world powers to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon is a breakthrough […]
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Foreign Policy
By MoveOn Staff. Wednesday, April 1 2015
At a critical juncture in the nuclear negotiations with Iran, as negotiators pressed to resolve remaining issues, MoveOn members broadcast a clear message at our nation’s Capitol last night: most Americans support letting diplomacy work. Photo courtesy of Larry French, Getty Images Entertainment
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By admin. Wednesday, April 1 2015
In recent days, a controversial new law in Indiana which grants businesses the right to discriminate against anyone—notably LGBT citizens—under the guise of religious freedom has sparked national outrage. Corporations, celebrities, and entire state governments have taken their business out of the state, and everyday citizens are stepping up to take action as well. MoveOn members […]
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By MoveOn Staff. Tuesday, March 31 2015
*** SEE THE FIRST SIX ADS HERE: The ads will run on two dozen billboards in the city and online targeting likely Chicago voters; MoveOn members in Chicago voted to endorse progressive challenger Jesús ‘Chuy’ García earlier this year. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS – A new ad campaign by Political Action with the theme #DumpRahm […]
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By admin. Monday, March 30 2015
In case you missed it: This morning, Politico highlighted a new letter published by longtime labor and environmental activists Larry Cohen and Annie Leonard calling for a contested Democratic primary.Read more of the piece below, then click here to get involved in the Run Warren Run campaign for yourself. Top liberals call for Warren candidacy By Gabriel […]
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Candidates | Elections
By MoveOn Staff. Friday, March 27 2015
This is one in a series of semi-regular updates on our Run Warren Run effort and Senator Warren’s work to give all Americans a fighting chance. LAWRENCE LESSIG, VAN JONES, ZEPHYR TEACHOUT TO HEADLINE MAJOR NYC RUN WARREN RUN EVENT IN APRIL. Here’s more from MSNBC’s Alex Seitz-Wald: “Progressive groups hoping to draft Massachusetts Sen. […]
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Candidates | Elections
By MoveOn Staff. Friday, March 27 2015
Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) has been mentioned as a potential candidate to lead the Senate Democrats but has signed on as a co-sponsor of two dangerous bills sponsored by Sens. Corker and Menendez, which would undermine diplomacy and risk putting the United States on a path to war with Iran. Ilya Sheyman, executive director of […]
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By MoveOn Staff. Friday, March 27 2015 Civic Action Executive Director Anna Galland had the following reaction to the news that Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid will retire after the next elections: “Sen. Reid has been a hugely significant leader on so many fronts, from securing the support of every single member of his caucus for historic legislation that dramatically expanded […]
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By MoveOn Staff. Thursday, March 26 2015
In an upcoming speech in New York, Lessig will outline why we need Sen. Elizabeth Warren in the presidential race and why she is best positioned to tackle money in politics. NEW YORK — In a major speech scheduled for April 20, 2015 in New York City, Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Lessig, one of the […]
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Candidates | Elections