Tag: Foreign Policy
By MoveOn Staff. Tuesday, August 18 2015
MoveOn.org Political Action Executive Director Ilya Sheyman had the following statement in response to news that Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) will oppose the nuclear deal with Iran and will try to put the nation on the path to war: “Senator Menendez has chosen to try to put us on the path to another war in […]
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Foreign Policy
By MoveOn Staff. Tuesday, July 14 2015
Anna Galland, executive director of MoveOn.org Civic Action, responded today to news of a historic agreement to limit Iran’s nuclear program: “The diplomatic negotiations between the United States and five world powers have yielded a strong, verifiable deal with Iran. MoveOn members are going to fight like hell to defend it and to stop opponents […]
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Foreign Policy
By MoveOn Staff. Thursday, May 7 2015
Anna Galland, executive director of MoveOn.org Civic Action, issued the following statement in reaction to a report by The Washington Post earlier today that 150 Democratic members of the House of Representatives have signed a letter backing President Obama’s ongoing negoitions with Iran—dramatically improving the odds that Congress will not block an Iran nuclear deal:“Across the country and […]
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Foreign Policy
By admin. Wednesday, April 8 2015
MoveOn.org members have a long history of working for peace and security. Our efforts to support diplomacy with Iran are in common cause with a national network of allied organizations.The United States and five world powers have agreed on a framework with Iran ensuring, through rigorous inspections and verification, that Iran can have only a peaceful nuclear […]
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Foreign Policy
By MoveOn Staff. Thursday, April 2 2015
In response to the framework announced today between Iran and six world powers to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons, Anna Galland, executive director of MoveOn.org Civic Action, said the following: “Today’s historic announcement of a strong framework between Iran and six world powers to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon is a breakthrough […]
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Foreign Policy
By MoveOn Staff. Monday, March 9 2015
WASHINGTON, D.C. — MoveOn.org Civic Action Campaign Director Jo Comerford called today on Democrats in Congress to reject the dangerous GOP brinksmanship surrounding diplomacy with Iran, in response to the recent open letter to the leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran signed by 47 Republicans: “I’m honestly shocked by this letter. It’s no secret that […]
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Foreign Policy
By MoveOn Staff. Wednesday, January 28 2015
Republicans in Congress want to work with the Obama administration to fast-track the passage of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The TPP is the largest—and worst—trade deal you’ve never heard of, having been devised in secret by representatives of some of the world’s largest corporations. It’s so big and has the potential to do so much […]
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Foreign Policy
By MoveOn Staff. Monday, November 24 2014
On the eve of their self-imposed cutoff to finalize a comprehensive nuclear agreement with Iran, negotiators representing the P5+1 — the United States, Russia, China, the UK, France, and Germany — and Iran have extended the deadline for completing their final agreement until July 1, 2015. The November 2013 deal which initially froze Iran’s nuclear […]
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Foreign Policy
By MoveOn Staff. Tuesday, September 16 2014
Few, if any, decisions a nation makes are as consequential as the decision to go to war. That’s why, over the last few days, MoveOn members have submitted and ranked thousands of questions that must be asked, debated, and answered by Congress before the United States even considers committing to another open-ended war in the […]
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Foreign Policy
By MoveOn Staff. Thursday, September 11 2014
Statement of Anna Galland, executive director of MoveOn.org Civic Action, in response to President Obama’s speech to the nation: Few if any decisions a country makes are as consequential as the decision to go to war. Such a decision must not be taken lightly, or made in haste. We remember well the lives lost and damage […]
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Foreign Policy