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Tag: Foreign Policy

What Trump’s Tarrifs Will Actually Cost You

Trump promised to help everyday Americans with their everyday costs. Unsurprisingly, his first weeks in office have established that his policies will do no such thing. He has started trade wars with America’s three biggest trading partners that will affect virtually everything Americans buy and consume.  Economists almost universally agree that the tariffs imposed by […]

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Tell Congress: More Funding for Syrian Refugees

Help War RefugeesNearly 60 million people worldwide have been driven from their homes by war and persecution. Half of the displaced are children. For once, instead of spending billions on war, we can use our resources to provide humanitarian relief and save lives. Call Congress and demand they do more by supporting the Graham-Leahy bill […]

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Huge Win for Diplomacy Thanks to Massive Grassroots Mobilization

Moments ago, the Senate failed to reach cloture on legislation rejecting diplomacy and the Iran nuclear accord, a resounding defeat for anti-diplomacy forces. Anna Galland, executive director of MoveOn.org Civic Action, had the following statement reacting to the news, declaring it a “major, people-powered victory for diplomacy over war”: “This afternoon, diplomacy won as war […]

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MoveOn urges Obama administration to increase the number of Syrian refugees to at least 100,000 by end of 2015

Anna Galland, executive director of MoveOn.org Civic Action, had the following statement in response to President Obama’s directive for the United States to welcome at least 10,000 Syrian refugees in the next fiscal year: “Today, President Obama has set far too low a goal for Syrian refugee resettlement in the United States. While we appreciate […]

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United States Student Association President Endorses Iran Deal

Alexandra Flores-Quilty, president of the United States Student Association, had the following statement in support of the historic nuclear agreement with Iran: “As a leading voice for students and young people across the country, I support this strong and diplomatic agreement that will prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon and avoid another unnecessary and […]

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CASA’s Gustavo Torres Endorses Iran Deal

Gustavo Torres, executive director of CASA, offered the following statement in support of the historic nuclear deal with Iran: “CASA and I strongly support this historic and very significant agreement with Iran that seeks diplomacy rather than war. “Latino communities, like the rest of this country, will not benefit from a needless war. We have […]

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National Organization for Women President Terry O’Neill Endorses Iran Deal

Terry O’Neill, president of the National Organization for Women, had the following statement in support of the historic nuclear agreement with Iran: “The National Organization for Women (NOW) supports this diplomatic agreement with Iran, which prevents Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapons and which aptly addresses a pressing national security issue through diplomacy rather than […]

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MoveOn Hires 9 Regional Field Organizers in Major Grassroots Push to Support Iran Deal

The organizers will work to mobilize thousands of MoveOn members in key states to urge members of Congress to stand for diplomacy over war. MoveOn.org Civic Action has hired nine full-time “No War With Iran” Regional Field Organizers as part of a major, grassroots campaign to urge Democratic members of Congress to support the historic […]

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UPDATE: More Than 185,000 Join Democratic Party Donor Strike, Pledging to Withhold $43 Million to Democrats Who Scuttle Diplomacy with Iran

UPDATE 8/29: As of August 29, more than 185,000 MoveOn members had pledged to withhold $43 million in donations to any Democrats, and party committees supporting them, who successfully undermine diplomacy. — Major names—from Ben & Jerry to Democratic donor Lawrence Hess—join the strike. More than 100,000 MoveOn members nationwide have pledged to withhold more than […]

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