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Tag: Candidates

Meet Run Warren Run’s “Team Iowa”

Have you ever wondered why you hear so much about Iowa during presidential election season? The answer is simple: Iowa is the first state to weigh in on the presidential election every four years in the Iowa Caucuses—their version of primaries. It’s imperative that presidential campaigns have a strong presence in Iowa and I’m proud to say that Run […]

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MUST READ: Seven Iowa Run Warren Run Volunteers Share Their Inspiring Reasons for Joining the Movement

One of the most incredible things about Run Warren Run Team Iowa is the work of the amazing Run Warren Run volunteers. Our Team Iowa volunteers are honestly an exact representation of every political organizer’s dream. They are passionate, hard-working, talented, smart, dedicated, kind, funny—insert any positive adjective you can think of and I promise you they represent […]

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Sen. Warren takes on Big Oil; populism surges in Dem. Party; Lessig set to address draft Warren effort – Run Warren Run news 4/16

This is one in a series of semi-regular updates on our Run Warren Run effort and Senator Warren’s work to give all Americans a fighting chance. WARREN TAKES ON BIG OIL. Sen. Warren, the “anti-Wall Street crusader,” took on Big Oil in a speech at the Good Jobs, Green Jobs conference in Washington, DC earlier […]

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