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Category: Press Room

House Passes John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act

MoveOn praises House passage of John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and calls on the Senate to pass it as well  Washington, D.C.– Tonight, MoveOn is celebrating a crucial victory for democracy with the passage of the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act by the U.S. House of Representatives. Once signed into law, the John […]

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MoveOn: Time to Finish the Job With A Once-In-A-Generation Opportunity On Infrastructure and Reconciliation

Statement by Nita Chaudhary, Chief of Programs at MoveOn: “Now that the Senate has passed an infrastructure bill and initial $3.5 billion budget reconciliation instructions, Democrats must finish the job of this once-in-a-generation opportunity to pass significant legislation that truly meets the size and scale of what is needed.  “House Democrats should follow Speaker Pelosi’s […]

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On Filibuster, Biden is Right About the Problem but Wrong on the Solution

Rahna Epting, Executive Director of MoveOn, issued the following statement in response to president Biden’s comments last night about the filibuster: “President Biden is correct that the filibuster is a Jim Crow relic that is being abused by Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans to block progress on many issues — especially voting rights. “However, President […]

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MoveOn Executive Director Responds to Republicans Filibustering the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill

Statement of Rahna Epting, Executive Director of MoveOn, on Republicans filibustering the bipartisan infrastructure bill: “Enough. We can’t wait on Republicans any longer. They had a chance to come to the table, negotiate in good faith and deliver for the American people. They failed to do so. “President Biden has spent months bending over backwards […]

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MoveOn Executive Director: “Americans cannot afford to wait for a bold recovery package”

Following President Biden’s remarks in Chicago on the benefits of the administration’s Build Back Better agenda, MoveOn Executive Director Rahna Epting issued the following statement: “Simply recovering from the pandemic is not enough. 81 million people, the most votes that any candidate has ever received, voted for Joe Biden and Democrats in Congress to urgently […]

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MoveOn Executive Director Rahna Epting Responds to the Supreme Court’s Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee Decision

The Voting Rights Act — already a shell of its former self — was dealt another crippling blow by today’s Supreme Court ruling. At a time when Republicans are engaged in a devastating disenfranchisement campaign against Black and brown communities, we need our highest court to defend our rights, not destroy them. Unfortunately, decades of Republican court […]

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