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Category: Must See Content

VICTORY: Anti-Refugee Measure Defeated in Congress

Something important happened last week: We stopped Congress from slamming the door on Syrian families seeking refuge. Against the odds, compassion and our best American values prevailed—beating out fear, hate-baiting, and xenophobia.1 It didn’t just happen. We fought for it. And we won. In the middle of this holiday season, we wanted to share what […]

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Poll: Warren’s Message and Biography A Big Winner Among 2016 Battleground State Voters

A new poll of voters in general election battleground states show that Senator Elizabeth Warren’s biography and message of economic populism are appealing to voters from across the political spectrum in the key states likely to swing the 2016 presidential election. These states include, Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Neveda, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Battleground […]

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MoveOn’s Ben O’Keefe Joins “HuffPost Live” to Talk About Run Warren Run

I sat down with Alyona Minkovski at “HuffPost Live” for her segment “Political Junkies.” We discussed the groundswell of support that Run Warren Run has been receiving and our growing effort to draft Elizabeth Warren into the presidential election. We also discussed political lunch dates and crystal balls—you’ll have to watch below to find out more […]

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MoveOn’s Anna Galland talks to C-SPAN’s ‘Washington Journal’ About Run Warren Run

Over the weekend, MoveOn.org Civic Action Executive Director Anna Galland appeared on C-SPAN’s “Washington Journal” for nearly an hour to take questions from callers from across the country—from all across the political spectrum. Anna took a stand for strong progressive values and discussed the incredible work of MoveOn members and progressives across the country. A big piece of […]

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Huge People-Powered Win as FCC Protects Net Neutrality

Anna Galland, executive director of MoveOn.org Civic Action, had the following statement in response to the Federal Communications Commission’s decision to use Title II to uphold Net Neutrality: This is an unequivocal victory for the millions of Americans who came together to show that people power can trump the power of corporate giants like Comcast […]

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President Obama: Keystone Needs a One-Two Punch

President Obama says he’ll veto the latest attempt by Congress to push through the Keystone XL pipeline, but he hasn’t yet committed to rejecting this dangerous proposal outright. That’s where we come in. Tell President Obama that he should stop Keystone XL for good—and do it now. Please share this video on Twitter and Facebook […]

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MUST SEE: ‘The Rachel Maddow Show’ Covers Run Warren Run Events

Over the weekend, Run Warren Run supporters held events across the country to celebrate Presidents Day, reaching a broad audience of supporters and building momentum behind the growing effort to draft Elizabeth Warren into the presidential race. These grassroots efforts certainly reached a wide audience—and even made it onto MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show.” Check out the […]

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Why vaccines matter

Melissa L. from California recently shared this powerful story about how her 10-year-old daughter is being impacted by the vaccine debate right now: Melissa’s daughter is in remission from leukemia. After missing countless days of school, she was finally able to return to the classroom, and to her friends. But now, because of the rising […]

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