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We’re going into overtime in Hawai’i

There’s been a dramatic development in the most important Democratic Senate primary in the country. In the wake of a tropical storm, voters in Hawai’i went to the polls to choose between MoveOn-endorsed Sen. Brian Schatz—an Elizabeth Warren-style progressive—and his challenger, Colleen Hanabusa. But as of this morning, the race was too close to call. Sen. Schatz […]

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MoveOn Statement on Iraq Airstrikes, Humanitarian Aid

Statement from Anna Galland, executive director of MoveOn.org Civic Action, in response to military airstrikes in Iraq today: News that the United States has once again used military force in Iraq, by launching airstrikes, is deeply disturbing—the risks of mission creep, unintended consequences, and incremental escalation are real and dangerous. After a decade of conflict, […]

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Obama breaks his silence on saving the Internet

President Obama breaks his silence on Net Neutrality

This could be a turning point in the fight to save the Internet from a corporate takeover. Read the full statement President Obama made Tuesday–the first time he’s spoken publicly about Net Neutrality since the FCC advanced a plan that would create a two-tiered Internet: One of the issues around net neutrality is whether you […]

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Netroots to Obama: Don’t Kill the Internet

President Obama: Don't Kill the Internet!

When President Obama visited Silicon Valley and Los Angeles for fundraisers on July 23, our protests filled the news coverage from California to Washington—on ABC, NBC, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Hill, and more. It was awesome. Hundreds of activists with MoveOn.org, Free Press, CREDO, Color of Change, Demand Progress, and other grassroots, Internet-based groups […]

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Activists greet President Obama in Silicon Valley urging action to save the Internet

President Obama: Don't Kill the Internet!

“Barack Obama, yes you can, Stop Tom Wheeler’s stupid plan!” More than 100 activists with netroots groups MoveOn.org, Free Press, CREDO, Color of Change, Demand Progress, and others gathered Wednesday morning outside President Obama’s visit to a wealthy neighborhood of Silicon Valley, the epicenter of the tech industry, with that chant—catching the attention of the […]

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ADVISORY: Activists to Hold ‘Don’t Kill the Internet!’ Net Neutrality Rally Outside Obama Fundraiser in Silicon Valley

LOS ALTOS, CALIFORNIA — On Wednesday, July 23, progressive activists from more than a dozen grassroots organizations will gather outside a high-profile fundraiser with President Obama and tech industry leaders to call on President Obama to protect Net Neutrality. The rally, organized by MoveOn.org Political Action and Free Press, will pressure President Obama to live up to […]

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