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MoveOn ad asks McConnell: Which part of Koch agenda inspires you?

When billionaire oil barons the Koch brothers hosted a speech by their top political strategist, he blamed poor people for their poverty, tried to link the minimum wage to Nazism, and admitted that the Koch-agenda is based on self-interest. Then Mitch McConnell spoke, and said he’d found the event “inspiring.” Here’s the new TV ad, […]

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MoveOn Reacts to Recordings of McConnell and GOP Senate Candidates From Secret Koch Retreat

Newly exposed recordings that show prominent Republican Senate candidates pandering to the Koch brothers could shake up key Senate races, according to MoveOn.org. The recordings, published this morning by The Nation and Huffington Post, provide a troubling, behind-the-scenes look at speeches by Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and GOP Senate candidates Joni Ernst (IA), Cory Gardner […]

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39,000 Hawai’i MoveOn Members Help Keep Social Security Expansion Champion Brian Schatz in the Senate

HONOLULU — After a multi-week grassroots effort led by volunteers in Hawai’i, MoveOn members helped mobilize thousands of voters for Senator Brian Schatz in the state’s Democratic primary. Schatz, who ran on a strong progressive platform and his track record in the Senate championing Social Security, won the Democratic nomination last night by 1,769 votes […]

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8 things to know about the Iraq crisis

U.S. bombing strikes are now well under way in Iraq in a military mission that President Obama said could go on for months.1 U.S. military planes have also been delivering vital humanitarian assistance to civilians fleeing the violence, including Yazidis who were forced onto Iraq’s Mount Sinjar by ISIS militants laying siege on the mountain.2 MoveOn members across […]

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MoveOn Reacts to Hillary Clinton’s Comments

Statement from Ilya Sheyman, Executive Director of MoveOn Political Action, in response to reported comments from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: “Secretary Clinton, and any other person thinking about seeking the Democratic nomination in 2016, should think long and hard before embracing the same policies advocated by right-wing war hawks that got America into […]

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