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An open letter to Senator Elizabeth Warren

Warren in a crowd

MoveOn.org just launched a major campaign to encourage Senator Elizabeth Warren to run for president after a full membership vote of MoveOn’s 8 million supporters showed widespread support for such an effort. In an open letter to Senator Warren in the Huffington Post today, MoveOn Executive Directors Ilya Sheyman and Anna Galland lay out the reasons we’re running […]

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Run Warren Run News – Dec. 12

Happy Friday! Senator Warren’s fight to prevent a major change to Dodd-Frank from riding through on a budget deal led the day Thursday, and news of increased opposition to Treasury nominee Antonio Weiss showed a growing number of Democrats voicing their concern. NEW OP-ED FROM MOVEON: An Open Letter to Senator Elizabeth Warren: Run Warren Run! […]

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TBT: Warren, Piketty Talk Bestselling Books, Inequality

Earlier this year, MoveOn members participated in an online discussion with Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Thomas Piketty, the French economist, about their highly praised books and issues pressing issues facing our country. Warren’s memoir, A Fighting Chance, took readers by storm—launching to the top of Amazon and New York Times bestseller lists. Piketty is the author of Capital in the Twenty-First Century, […]

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Run Warren Run News – Dec. 11

WARREN FIGHTS BUDGET DEAL: “In case you’ve been hiding under some coats this week, liberals are keyed up on the idea of recruiting Elizabeth Warren to run for president in 2016” is how Chris Cillizza opens his piece on Warren’s floor speech. (It’s true–bundle up out there!) Here’s more from the Washington Post: “Warren showed […]

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MoveOn to Democrats: Stand Strong; Reject a Bad Budget Deal

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 10, 2014 WASHINGTON, DC — MoveOn Civic Action’s Executive Director, Anna Galland, called today on Democrats in Congress to reject the $1.1 trillion federal spending bill proposed yesterday, stating: “This spending bill has been corrupted by Wall Street banks that are actively working to undermine rules that currently prevent them from […]

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MoveOn Members Voting on Whether to Encourage Elizabeth Warren to Run for President

UPDATE: See early coverage in the New York Times and from CNN. SEE OUR NEWS RELEASE HERE: https://front.moveon.org/warrenvote/ MoveOn.org, one of the nation’s most influential grassroots organizations, is poised to throw our full weight behind a campaign encouraging Senator Elizabeth Warren to run for president, pending a full vote of the MoveOn membership today—the first nationwide […]

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RELEASE: MoveOn voting on whether to draft Elizabeth Warren for President

UPDATE: See early coverage in the New York Times and from CNN.   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 CONTACT: press@moveon.org MoveOn Kicks Off Member Vote on Campaign to Encourage Elizabeth Warren to Run for President MoveOn’s 8 million members will vote until 9 a.m. EST Wednesday on whether to launch a major ‘Run Warren Run’ […]

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