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200,000 Americans sign on to ‘Run Warren Run’ campaign

Elizabeth Warren photo taken by Tim Pierce.  MoveOn.org Political Action and Democracy for America announced today that more than 200,000 people have now joined the Run Warren Run effort calling on Senator Elizabeth Warren to run for president. Ilya Sheyman, executive director of MoveOn Political Action, on the achievement: “In just a few weeks, more than 200,000 Americans […]

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Chicago MoveOn members endorse Jesús ‘Chuy’ García for mayor

The results are in and Chicago MoveOn members have voted decisively to endorse Jesús “Chuy” García for Mayor of Chicago ahead of the February 24 election! Rahm Emanuel has been one of the most divisive and destructive mayors in Chicago history. He’s attacked teachers, closed community schools across the city, and used his office to […]

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Run Warren Run news, Jan. 8

This is one in a series of semi-regular updates on our Run Warren Run effort and Senator Warren’s work to give all Americans a fighting chance. Senator Warren returned to Washington this week as the 114th Congress convened and wasted no time before delivering a rousing economic speech and pushing back against a Republican proposal […]

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MoveOn reacts to Sen. Warren’s AFL-CIO speech

Statement from Ben Wikler, Washington director of MoveOn.org Political Action, in response to Senator Elizabeth Warren’s keynote remarks at the AFL-CIO’s Raising Wages Summit: “If every American watched Senator Warren’s speech just before walking into the voting booth, progressive candidates would sweep the House, Senate, and state governments across the country. Senator Warren is a […]

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Run Warren Run news, Jan. 5

Happy New Year! Organizing is well underway in Iowa and our New Hampshire program will launch this month. Stay tuned for updates on our growing movement, and you can always reach us at press@moveon.org. WWWD: What Will Warren Do? Here’s more from the AP’s list of “10 things to watch in ’15 ahead of Iowa Caucus” with […]

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MUST SEE: A look back at the work we did together in 2014!

Looking back at this year it is certainly clear that we were faced with plenty of darkness, but at the same time, there’ve been so many reasons for hope! Through it all, MoveOn members never stopped fighting. Take a minute to look at just some of the work we’ve accomplished together this year. Thank you for all you do, and here’s to 2015.

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