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Category: Uncategorized

MoveOn poll: Drop-off voters can be inspired to turn out this year

Fear that a GOP-led Senate could result in cuts to public education funding or access to birth control and a woman’s right to choose are the most motivating messages for drop-off voters and are effective in generating interest to vote this November, according to a new poll commissioned by MoveOn.org of low-propensity voters in five […]

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Citizens United: Ad holds Sen. Collins accountable for siding with corporations

MoveOn.org Political Action has just launched this 30-second ad holding Republican Senator Susan Collins (ME) accountable for her vote Thursday to defend big corporations and special interests at the expense of Maine voters. Sen. Collins had the chance to stop special interests from buying elections — but instead, she chose to give them a free […]

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Possible Military Action in Iraq and Syria: What questions must be answered before America goes to war?

Statement of Anna Galland, executive director of MoveOn.org Civic Action, in response to President Obama’s speech to the nation: Few if any decisions a country makes are as consequential as the decision to go to war. Such a decision must not be taken lightly, or made in haste. We remember well the lives lost and damage […]

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MoveOn ad asks McConnell: Which part of Koch agenda inspires you?

When billionaire oil barons the Koch brothers hosted a speech by their top political strategist, he blamed poor people for their poverty, tried to link the minimum wage to Nazism, and admitted that the Koch-agenda is based on self-interest. Then Mitch McConnell spoke, and said he’d found the event “inspiring.” Here’s the new TV ad, […]

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MoveOn Reacts to Recordings of McConnell and GOP Senate Candidates From Secret Koch Retreat

Newly exposed recordings that show prominent Republican Senate candidates pandering to the Koch brothers could shake up key Senate races, according to MoveOn.org. The recordings, published this morning by The Nation and Huffington Post, provide a troubling, behind-the-scenes look at speeches by Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and GOP Senate candidates Joni Ernst (IA), Cory Gardner […]

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