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Category: Uncategorized

Senator Bernie Sanders to Headline ‘Protecting Working Families Tour’ Opposing Republican Tax Cuts for Big Corporations and the Wealthy

Senator Sanders will join ‘Not One Penny’ and MoveOn.org for Rallies in Kentucky, Ohio, and Pennsylvania WASHINGTON, D.C. – This weekend, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) will join ‘Not One Penny’ and MoveOn.org Civic Action on the four-stop ‘Protecting Working Families Tour’ to oppose the harmful Republican plan to give billions in tax breaks to millionaires, billionaires, and […]

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Leading Progressive Groups Endorse Marie Newman for Congress

Rare Joint Endorsement Announced By NARAL, MoveOn.org, Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Democracy For America, Human Rights Campaign Some of the nation’s leading progressive organizations joined forces today to endorse Marie Newman in her bid to unseat an incumbent Democratic congressman with an anti-choice, anti-LGBT history, Rep. Dan Lipinski (IL-03). The groups, including NARAL Pro-Choice America, […]

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Georgia MoveOn Members Endorse Stacey Abrams for Governor

Georgia members of MoveOn.org Political Action have voted overwhelmingly—with 82.5% of votes cast in favor—to endorse Stacey Abrams for Governor. MoveOn.org has more than 125,000 members in Georgia. In the endorsement vote, MoveOn members praised Abrams’ career-long commitment to progressive causes, including Medicaid expansion, debt-free college, and criminal justice reforms. Abrams is the first woman […]

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Our call with Bernie Sanders: Help stop the Republican tax scam

Dear MoveOn member, I just got off the phone with Senator Bernie Sanders and over 10,000 MoveOn members. (Click here to listen to a recording of the call and watch the slide presentation). Together, Bernie Sanders, MoveOn, and coalition partners are gearing up to stop the Republican tax scam, which would hike taxes for millions […]

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MoveOn: Dem sweep in VA shows power of the Resistance; U.S. House clearly in play in 2018

Ilya Sheyman, executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action, had the following response to Ralph Northam’s and Justin Fairfax’s victories in the Virginia governor and lieutenant governor races tonight: “Tonight, the Commonwealth of Virginia joined the Resistance. “MoveOn-endorsed Ralph Northam has been declared the next Governor of Virginia. Northam’s victory is a major defeat for Donald […]

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Call Congress: No GOP Tax Scam

The Republican tax scam is a one-two punch: massive tax cuts for big corporations and the wealthy that are funded by slashing health care, education, and other programs for the people. Call your representative and senators. Tell them: “Not one penny in tax cuts for the wealthy or big corporations. Not one penny in cuts […]

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MoveOn statement on GOP tax scam

Statement from Sunjeev Bery, Campaign Director at MoveOn.org, in response to the GOP’s tax legislation introduced today: “This Republican tax scam is a one-two punch that will fund massive tax cuts for big corporations and the wealthy on the backs of people whose health care, education, and other programs will be slashed. Trump and the […]

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