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Category: Press Room

MoveOn: Our Elected Leaders Should Reject “Cruel, Extremist” Immigration Measures

Washington, D.C. — In response to the release of the Senate border proposal that was recently announced, MoveOn Political Action Executive Director Rahna Epting issued the following statement:   “MoveOn’s millions of members believe in commonsense solutions and reform to our nation’s immigration system, but we cannot accept cruel, extremist policies and compromises that gut our […]

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MoveOn’s “Recuse Clarence” Billboard Truck Circles DC

PHOTOS: “Disqualify Trump” Demand Projected On SCOTUS Steps Washington, D.C. – Today, Friday, February 2, MoveOn Political Action commissioned a mobile billboard circulating throughout the District as part of a grassroots push to pressure Justice Clarence Thomas to recuse himself from ruling on the Trump v. Anderson case. The nation’s highest court will begin oral […]

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NYT: MoveOn Launches $32M+ Election Program

Read The New York Times story here and election memo here Washington, D.C. – Today, MoveOn Political Action announced the launch of its $32+ million 2024 election program – the group’s largest and most innovative persuasion program ever. As The New York Times reported, MoveOn is mobilizing millions of young surge voters to protect democracy […]

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MoveOn Responds to Trump AG Bill Barr’s Defense of No Labels

Washington, D.C. – In response to an opinion article in which former Trump Attorney General Bill Barr attempts to provide political cover for No Labels and their reckless third-party campaign that will only help elect Donald Trump, MoveOn Political Action Chief Communications Officer Joel Payne released the following statement: “MoveOn doesn’t need lectures about democracy and fairness […]

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ICYMI: Campaign Finance Watchdogs Threaten No Labels With Lawsuit

Washington, D.C. – HuffPost reports that a coalition of campaign finance watchdogs and pro-democracy organizations are prepared to take legal action against No Labels if the right-wing, billionaire-backed organization continues to ignore calls to disclose their dark money donors. A letter sent to No Labels noted their ongoing refusal to follow the same rules of […]

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MoveOn Statement on New No Labels Super PAC That Will Only Lead to Trump Back In White House

Washington, D.C. – Following the news that a super PAC has been launched to back the eventual No Labels candidates – which new reporting has revealed may be a so-called all-Republican “unity ticket” – MoveOn Political Action Executive Director Rahna Epting released the following statement: “No one should be surprised that Republican strategists are creating another revenue stream to line their […]

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Three Years After Insurrection, MoveOn “Disqualify Trump” Petition Nears 500K Signers

Washington, D.C. – Three years after twice-impeached and criminally indicted former President Trump led the deadly assault at the U.S. Capitol, MoveOn Political Action Executive Director Rahna Epting released the following statement:  “Three years ago, President Trump and MAGA Republicans led a deadly insurrection on our nation’s Capitol, in an attempt to overthrow the will […]

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MoveOn Responds to Reports of No Labels Plans to Run an All-Republican “Unity Ticket”

Washington, D.C. – In response to news from HuffPost that No Labels is considering putting forward a so-called “unity,” all-Republican ticket, MoveOn Political Action Chief Communications Officer Joel Payne released the following statement: “No Labels is living in a fantasy world where an all-Republican ticket is ‘bipartisan’ and a third-party ticket with no strategy can […]

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MoveOn Statement on Colorado State Supreme Court Disqualifying Trump

Washington, D.C. – Following the Colorado State Supreme Court disqualifying twice-impeached and criminally indicted former President Trump from the ballot, MoveOn Political Action Executive Director Rahna Epting released the following statement:  “As MoveOn has said many times before, Donald Trump is not above the law. Tonight’s decision from the Colorado State Supreme Court proves that […]

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