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Category: Must See Content

Leading Artists Partner with MoveOn, Amplifier Launch ‘Your Vote Is Power’ Initiative to Drive Young Voter Registration and Turnout

WASHINGTON, DC — Major artists including Nevermade, Amanda Phingbodhipakkiya and Thomas Wimberly are collaborating with MoveOn, a leading national progressive advocacy organization, and Amplifier, a design lab that builds art to amplify the voices of grassroots movements, to launch “Your Vote Is Power.” The new initiative will use art and culture to drive voter registration […]

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If House Bill Was ‘Mean,’ Senate Bill Is Cruel  

This bill will take a wrecking ball to health care in this country, leaving millions without care, making health care unaffordable for many, eliminating funding for Planned Parenthood, and giving massive tax cuts to the wealthy. Shockingly, this bill’s cuts to Medicaid are even deeper than those passed by the House—at a moment when Medicaid and Medicare should be dramatically expanded.

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MoveOn calls for Congress to begin impeachment proceedings

It is now clear that Trump’s effort to use the powers of the presidency to interfere with an ongoing investigation of whether, how, and why a foreign power tried unlawfully to undermine our electoral process is exactly the kind of fundamental abuse of power that the founders believed is an impeachable offense—a ‘High Crime or Misdemeanor’ under our Constitution.

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Sessions Lashes Out at MoveOn and NAACP After More Than 180,000 People Sign Petition Overnight Opposing His Nomination Due to His Long Racist Record

MoveOn Petition Was Circulated by Alabama NAACP President Benard Simelton, Who Was Arrested in Civil Disobedience at Sessions’ Office Tuesday MoveOn Also Released New Video Featuring Leading Racial Justice, LGBTQ, and Immigrants’ Rights Advocates Opposing Sessions After a MoveOn.org petition by Alabama NAACP President Benard Simelton opposing the Jeff Sessions attorney general nomination because of […]

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MoveOn Statement on President Obama’s Nomination of Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court

Ilya Sheyman, executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action had the following reaction to President Obama’s nomination of Chief Judge Merrick Garland of the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, to the Supreme Court. “President Obama has fulfilled his constitutional duty by nominating Judge Merrick Garland, but instead of fulfilling their constitutional duty, […]

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Huge Win for Sanders in New Hampshire

Tonight’s impressive win is a wake-up call to cynics who have had difficulty envisioning a departure from the status quo. The American people are fed up with a corrupt and broken political system, believe change is possible, and are ready to make it happen.

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The Top 5 Reasons MoveOn Members Voted to Endorse Bernie (with the Most Votes and Widest Margin in Our History)

With a record-setting 78.6 percent of 340,665 votes cast by the MoveOn membership, Senator Bernie Sanders has won MoveOn.org Political Action’s endorsement for president with the largest total and widest margin in MoveOn history. MoveOn.org only endorses candidates based on votes by our members. Our only previous presidential endorsement during a Democratic primary was for […]

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Reflecting on our work in 2015

If you ever doubted MoveOn members’ ability to come together to effect change, you have to check out this rundown of what we accomplished in 2015. THE TOP 10 THINGS MOVEON MEMBERS GOT DONE IN 2015 1. WE SECURED DIPLOMACY WITH IRAN, PREVENTING AN UNNECESSARY WAR MoveOn members continued our long history of advocating for […]

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