‘Neutered’ GOP Rep. Begs Conservative Women To Make Him Feel Manly Again

Tea party Rep. Allen West (R-FL) seems awfully nervous about women who don’t live to serve men’s needs.
Tea party Rep. Allen West (R-FL) seems awfully nervous about women who don’t live to serve men’s needs.
A powerful story about how DOMA affected the lives of Ron and Tom.
Republicans everywhere have taken to town halls trying to sell a package that Americans aren’t buying: cuts to Medicare to pay for tax cuts for the super-rich. Here are five powerful rejections.
Watch this sardonic game show, and find out:
William Shatner considers a run for office—as Denny Crane. A few years ago.
And a related question: When is somebody going to start paying attention to youth unemployment in this country?
This just in: The president of the United States was born in the United States. Who could have ever guessed?
It’s like these Wisconsin Republicans learned how to do politics from a bunch of frat boys.
You know, the one who stands up for the kid that keeps getting picked on.
Who knew that if you took Jay-Z’s “Empire State of Mind,” swapped out Jay-Z’s rambly verses, and put in a message about how we should ban single-use plastic bags—you could actually make the song better?