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Category: Featured Campaigns

10 Ideas to Save the Economy: Expand Social Security

Dear fellow MoveOn member, Flat wages and the end of pensions have left millions of Americans facing a retirement crisis. Already, nearly half of our parents, grandparents, and great grandparents would live in poverty if it weren’t for Social Security. There is a simple solution, and it starts with defending Social Security from the right […]

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Americans Want Diplomacy with Iran

At a critical juncture in the nuclear negotiations with Iran, as negotiators pressed to resolve remaining issues, MoveOn members broadcast a clear message at our nation’s Capitol last night: most Americans support letting diplomacy work. Photo courtesy of Larry French, Getty Images Entertainment    

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Poll: Warren’s Message and Biography A Big Winner Among 2016 Battleground State Voters

A new poll of voters in general election battleground states show that Senator Elizabeth Warren’s biography and message of economic populism are appealing to voters from across the political spectrum in the key states likely to swing the 2016 presidential election. These states include, Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Neveda, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Battleground […]

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Huge People-Powered Win as FCC Protects Net Neutrality

Anna Galland, executive director of MoveOn.org Civic Action, had the following statement in response to the Federal Communications Commission’s decision to use Title II to uphold Net Neutrality: This is an unequivocal victory for the millions of Americans who came together to show that people power can trump the power of corporate giants like Comcast […]

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Rahm Emanuel vs. Jesus “Chuy” Garcia on the issues

With the election for mayor of Chicago this Tuesday, here are some key differences between Mayor Rahm Emanuel and his MoveOn-endorsed challenger, Cook County Commissioner Jesus “Chuy” Garcia. Please take a minute to share this graphic with your friends before Election Day on Tuesday. If you haven’t voted yet, you can look up your polling […]

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VICTORY: L.A. School Board Tells Gerawan Farms to Honor It’s Workers’ Union Contracts

Gerawan Farming employs over 5,000 workers at peak harvest season, selling peaches, nectarines, plums, apricots, and grapes under its Prima label. Our friends at United Farm Workers have been working hard to protect the union rights of the Gerawan Farm workers. When the Los Angeles Unified School District Board, who contracts to purchase Gerawan’s products, […]

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President Obama: Keystone Needs a One-Two Punch

President Obama says he’ll veto the latest attempt by Congress to push through the Keystone XL pipeline, but he hasn’t yet committed to rejecting this dangerous proposal outright. That’s where we come in. Tell President Obama that he should stop Keystone XL for good—and do it now. Please share this video on Twitter and Facebook […]

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