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Category: Featured Campaigns

Netroots to Obama: Don’t Kill the Internet

President Obama: Don't Kill the Internet!

When President Obama visited Silicon Valley and Los Angeles for fundraisers on July 23, our protests filled the news coverage from California to Washington—on ABC, NBC, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Hill, and more. It was awesome. Hundreds of activists with MoveOn.org, Free Press, CREDO, Color of Change, Demand Progress, and other grassroots, Internet-based groups […]

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Activists greet President Obama in Silicon Valley urging action to save the Internet

President Obama: Don't Kill the Internet!

“Barack Obama, yes you can, Stop Tom Wheeler’s stupid plan!” More than 100 activists with netroots groups MoveOn.org, Free Press, CREDO, Color of Change, Demand Progress, and others gathered Wednesday morning outside President Obama’s visit to a wealthy neighborhood of Silicon Valley, the epicenter of the tech industry, with that chant—catching the attention of the […]

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MoveOn Members Endorse 9 Senate Candidates

MoveOn members are fired up to save the Senate from a right wing Republican takeover this fall. They have overwhelmingly voted to endorse nine candidates who will fight for the middle class against the influence of the Koch brothers and other right wing billionaires. This fall MoveOn’s 8 million members will mobilize to turn out […]

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MoveOn Members Endorse Al Franken for Senate

MoveOn members in Minnesota have voted decisively to endorse Al Franken for re-election to the U.S. Senate. Here’s what a few members across the state had to share about Sen. Franken: “Al Franken has been more than I could have wished. Maybe the best vote I ever cast. From day one he has fought diligently for the […]

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MoveOn Members Endorse Mark Udall

MoveOn members in Colorado have voted decisively to endorse Mark Udall for re-election to the U.S. Senate. Here’s what a few members across the state had to share about Sen. Udall: “Udall has been a steady, progressive force in Western politics. His key opponent, Cory Gardner, could not be more opposite. He’s taken millions from the […]

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MoveOn members endorse Bruce Braley for Senate

MoveOn members in Iowa have voted decisively to endorse Bruce Braley for the U.S. Senate. Here’s what a few members across the state had to share about Bruce Braley: “Bruce Braley has served well the people of my district in the US House of Representatives. He is a progressive who fights for the interests of the […]

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MoveOn members endorse Kay Hagan for Senate

MoveOn members in North Carolina have voted decisively to endorse Kay Hagan for re-election to the U.S. Senate. Here’s what a few members across the state had to share about Sen. Hagan: “She supported the ACA, and in fact, has not run away from it during her campaign, which shows me she has the courage of […]

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