Full-page Des Moines Register ad: ‘Elizabeth Warren, Please Run’

Check out MoveOn’s new full-page #RunWarrenRun ad in the Des Moines Register.
Check out MoveOn’s new full-page #RunWarrenRun ad in the Des Moines Register.
We’re excited for week 2 of the Run Warren Run campaign, after a powerful launch that led the New Republic’s Danny Vinik to write: “If she chooses to run, we’re going to look back at this week as a pivotal moment in Warren’s decision-making.” This week, the campaign heads to Des Moines for our Iowa […]
Earlier this year, MoveOn members participated in an online discussion with Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Thomas Piketty, the French economist, about their highly praised books and issues pressing issues facing our country. Warren’s memoir, A Fighting Chance, took readers by storm—launching to the top of Amazon and New York Times bestseller lists. Piketty is the author of Capital in the Twenty-First Century, […]
UPDATE: See early coverage in the New York Times and from CNN. SEE OUR NEWS RELEASE HERE: https://front.moveon.org/warrenvote/ MoveOn.org, one of the nation’s most influential grassroots organizations, is poised to throw our full weight behind a campaign encouraging Senator Elizabeth Warren to run for president, pending a full vote of the MoveOn membership today—the first nationwide […]
UPDATE: See early coverage in the New York Times and from CNN. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 CONTACT: press@moveon.org MoveOn Kicks Off Member Vote on Campaign to Encourage Elizabeth Warren to Run for President MoveOn’s 8 million members will vote until 9 a.m. EST Wednesday on whether to launch a major ‘Run Warren Run’ […]
Eric Garner’s last words ring as a call to all of us—to pay attention and to act. Please share this with five friends who might not be fully aware of the protests that have erupted across the country, led by young people of color crying out for justice. LISTEN TO ERIC GARNER’S LAST WORDS Transcript: Get […]
Last night, President Obama outlined a series of executive actions that take meaningful, humane, and sensible steps to reform our nation’s broken immigration system. Republicans have, predictably, come out swinging. Over the next few weeks, you’re very likely going to hear some misinformation and faulty assumptions. We all need to be armed with correct information […]
Robert Reich explains the impact that a Republican Senate would have on women’s economic well-being.
Check out MoveOn’s new ad supporting Rick Weiland for Senate: https://front.moveon.org/weiland_ad/