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MoveOn members and allies urge congress to introduce the Senate bill and file a discharge petition for comprehensive immigration reform

Comprehensive immigration reform is currently stalled in Congress, MoveOn members join America’s Voice, 18MillionRising, We Belong Together, CREDO Action, and MomsRising.org in urging congress to introduce the  bipartisan Senate bill and push for a discharge petition to pass comprehensive immigration reform this fall, after the August recess.   Dear members of Congress, On behalf of […]

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VICTORY: Illinois Passes Online Voter Registration


When a bill allowing for online voter registration passed through the Illinois Senate, the organization Chicago Votes knew the state was one step closer to creating a more innovative, open, and accessible democracy. That’s why Rebecca Reynolds and the Chicago Votes team created a MoveOn petition asking members of the Illinois General Assembly to support the bill.

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VICTORY: 84 Endangered Orcas Saved!


Endangered orcas in the Pacific Northwest faced a serious threat when anti-environmental agribusiness groups petitioned to strip their Endangered Species Act protections. So Steve Mashuda of the organization Earthjustice created a MoveOn petition to the National Marine Fisheries Service demanding continued ESA protections for the orcas.

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VICTORY: Orange County Canyons Protected


The proposed Saddle Crest housing development in Trabuco Canyon, California, would have destroyed the area’s ancient oak forests, scenic ridgelines, and other cherished natural resources. That’s why Ray Chandos created a MoveOn Petition to the Orange County Board of Supervisors, asking them to vote against the development.

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