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VICTORY: Michigan Expands Medicaid Program


The health of Michiganders was at stake while Republican Governor Rick Snyder decided whether to accept new federal dollars to expand the state’s Medicaid program. That’s why Fran Brennan of the organization Working America created a MoveOn Petition to Governor Snyder, asking him to accept the funds.

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Activist Delivers 70,000 Signatures Against Fracking in California

On Thursday, August 29th, Dorothy Reik, a MoveOn.org member from Topanga, to delivered over 70,000 petition signatures from from MoveOn, CREDO, and Friends of the Earth to State Assemblyman Mike Gatto’s (CA-43) and Assembly Speaker John Pérez’s (CA-53) offices, urging them to add an immediate moratorium on fracking to State Sen. Fran Pavley’s regulatory bill (SB4).

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