By Maria Tchijov. Saturday, October 4 2014
Colorado high school student Bethany Keupp, along with her fellow student-activists, teachers, parents and concerned community members staged a massive rally outside of a Jefferson County School Board meeting on Thursday, demanding that the board withdraw a proposal to censor their history curriculum. The students then delivered a MoveOn Petition with more than 40,000 signatures to school board members. The […]
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By MoveOn Staff. Friday, October 3 2014
When the Koch brothers-backed group Americans for Prosperity mailed false voter registration information to hundreds of thousands of North Carolinians, MoveOn members fought back, chipping in to correct the misinformation by running ads and contacting voters. This full-page ad correcting the misinformation will run this Sunday in North Carolina’s four largest newspapers. The newspaper ads […]
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Civil Rights | Democracy
By MoveOn Staff. Thursday, October 2 2014
More than 100 protestors rallied today outside a campaign stop headlined by Mr. 1% himself–Mitt Romney–for Michigan GOP senate hopeful Terri Lynn Land. Why is the GOP trotting out failed GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who Michigan voters rejected in 2012 by nearly 450,000 votes? Perhaps because Terri Lynn Land is in a neck-and-neck race, […]
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By MoveOn Staff. Monday, September 22 2014
Register to vote here, using this easy online form to get started:
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Civil Rights | Democracy | Elections
By MoveOn Staff. Thursday, September 18 2014
The GOP is banking on a plan to mislead women and other voters in the closest Senate races in the country—election year politics at its worst. It’s really dangerous, because if they’re elected, we’re facing outright attacks on women’s access to health care. Can you help share the truth about the GOP’s new “birth control plan”?
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By MoveOn Staff. Wednesday, September 17 2014
Statement from Anna Galland, executive director of Civic Action, in response to today’s vote in the House authorizing the United States to arm and train Syrian rebels: “The message from this week’s House debate and Senate hearings about arming rebels in Syria could not be clearer: There are far too many pressing and unanswered […]
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By MoveOn Staff. Tuesday, September 16 2014
Few, if any, decisions a nation makes are as consequential as the decision to go to war. That’s why, over the last few days, MoveOn members have submitted and ranked thousands of questions that must be asked, debated, and answered by Congress before the United States even considers committing to another open-ended war in the […]
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Foreign Policy
By MoveOn Staff. Friday, September 12 2014
Fear that a GOP-led Senate could result in cuts to public education funding or access to birth control and a woman’s right to choose are the most motivating messages for drop-off voters and are effective in generating interest to vote this November, according to a new poll commissioned by of low-propensity voters in five […]
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By MoveOn Staff. Thursday, September 11 2014 Political Action has just launched this 30-second ad holding Republican Senator Susan Collins (ME) accountable for her vote Thursday to defend big corporations and special interests at the expense of Maine voters. Sen. Collins had the chance to stop special interests from buying elections — but instead, she chose to give them a free […]
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Democracy | Elections
By MoveOn Staff. Thursday, September 11 2014
Statement of Anna Galland, executive director of Civic Action, in response to President Obama’s speech to the nation: Few if any decisions a country makes are as consequential as the decision to go to war. Such a decision must not be taken lightly, or made in haste. We remember well the lives lost and damage […]
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Foreign Policy