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Run Warren Run hires NH staff, opens office; celebs join movement – Run Warren Run news 2/5

This is one in a series of semi-regular updates on our Run Warren Run effort and Senator Warren’s work to give all Americans an equal shot. Happy Thursday: we’re building on an exciting week of hiring field organizers, seeing actors, musicians, and artists join this movement, and more to come! RUN WARREN RUN STAFFS UP […]

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MoveOn Applauds Chairman Wheeler’s Open Internet Comments

President Obama: Don't Kill the Internet!

Statement from Anna Galland, executive director of MoveOn.org Civic Action, on news that FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler will propose Net Neutrality rules that regulate broadband service providers as public utilities: “The chair of the FCC, Tom Wheeler, announced today that he is close to proposing rules that will protect the open Internet from big cable companies […]

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Celebrities to Elizabeth Warren: Please run for president

What would you do if you got a letter from 90-some well-known artists–actors, directors, musicians, and other members of the creative community–asking you to run for president? That’s a question you can ask Senator Elizabeth Warren; she just received an open letter from the members of “Artists for Warren,” a growing group of artists and creatives urging the senator to […]

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Meet the Run Warren Run Community Manager

Hi! I’m Ben O’Keefe, the new community manager for the #RunWarrenRun Campaign. I have to say that my new job is pretty great. Here’s a quick rundown: Throughout the duration of our draft Elizabeth Warren efforts, I will be your authority on all things #RunWarrenRun. I’ll be giving you updates on what we’re working on, […]

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MoveOn statement on EPA’s comments on Keystone XL pipeline

MoveOn.org Civic Action Executive Director Anna Galland on the comments released today by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on the proposed Keystone XL pipeline: “The EPA’s official comments on the Keystone XL pipeline make it clearer than ever that this dangerous project would increase the carbon pollution that’s accelerating climate change. For years, MoveOn members […]

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Susan Sarandon, Mark Ruffalo, Olivia Wilde Join Dozens of Artists Encouraging Sen. Elizabeth Warren to Run for President

More than 90 artists have joined the Artists for Warren movement, releasing an open letter to the Massachusetts senator asking her to run. Supporters include Matt Bomer, Kim Gordon, Kathleen Hanna, Adam Horovitz, Natasha Lyonne, Ed Norton, Mark Ruffalo, Susan Sarandon, Chloë Sevigny, Julia Stiles, Olivia Wilde, and Joss Whedon. ** See the full letter […]

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