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TPP = NAFTA on steroids

Republicans in Congress want to work with the Obama administration to fast-track the passage of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The TPP is the largest—and worst—trade deal you’ve never heard of, having been devised in secret by representatives of some of the world’s largest corporations. It’s so big and has the potential to do so much […]

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No Democratic presidential debates? Seriously?

Here lies competitive debates, dead in 2016? An article in Politico last week reports that if a strong progressive leader like Elizabeth Warren doesn’t enter the presidential primary,the next Democratic presidential candidate “might wind up not even debating during the primaries.”1 What?! Having no debates would hurt Democratic voters and the American electorate. It would also mean […]

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THIS WEEKEND: Hundreds of Run Warren Run House Parties Taking Place Across the Country

It’s not your usual Super Bowl party. This Saturday and Sunday–in more than 200 homes around the country–Run Warren Run supporters will host house parties, with thousands of Americans signed up to attend. These parties will focus on building connections among neighbors who want to see Sen. Elizabeth Warren run for president in 2016, sharing stories about getting involved in this campaign, and […]

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Warren’s influence felt in SOTU; Rothenberg: Warren ‘plays best to Democratic sympathies’ – Run Warren Run news, 1/21

This is one in a series of semi-regular updates on our Run Warren Run effort and Senator Warren’s work to give all Americans a fighting chance. Good morning, and happy morning-after! In just 12 hours since President Obama wrapped his 2015 State of the Union address, there’s undeniable energy around the bold, progressive ideas he […]

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2015 MoveOn Member Priorities Survey Results

Tens of thousands of MoveOn members—from small towns and big cities across all 50 states participated in the MoveOn Member Priorities Survey. They shared their vision for America, and how they’d like to see MoveOn direct energy and resources in pursuing that vision.Of course, we’re already investing deeply in Run Warren Run, an ambitious campaign […]

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Run Warren Run news, Jan. 16

This is one in a series of semi-regular updates on our Run Warren Run effort and Senator Warren’s work to give all Americans a fighting chance. Happy Friday! Don’t miss this week’s exciting Run Warren Run news from Iowa, where we’ve started hiring staff, and New Hampshire, where we formally launch tomorrow, and the story […]

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Run Warren Run Effort Announces New Iowa Field Team, Opening of Des Moines Campaign Office

National Campaign Professionals and Obama Alums Also Join Effort Encouraging Elizabeth Warren to Run for President DES MOINES, IOWA — In an expansion of the Run Warren Run effort in Iowa, MoveOn.org Political Action is announcing the hiring of Blair Lawton as the campaign’s Iowa field director and the hiring of four other field organizers. […]

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MoveOn statement on Antonio Weiss announcement

MoveOn.org Civic Action Executive Director Anna Galland on the announcement that Antonio Weiss has withdrawn his name from consideration to become the Treasury Department’s undersecretary of domestic finance: “Thanks to Senator Elizabeth Warren and other Democrats who stuck their feet in the revolving door between Wall Street and Washington, and to hundreds of thousands of […]

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