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MoveOn Launches 7-Day #DumpRahm Ad Campaign Targeting Chicago Voters

*** SEE THE FIRST SIX ADS HERE: http://hashtagdumprahm.tumblr.com/ The ads will run on two dozen billboards in the city and online targeting likely Chicago voters; MoveOn members in Chicago voted to endorse progressive challenger Jesús ‘Chuy’ García earlier this year. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS – A new ad campaign by MoveOn.org Political Action with the theme #DumpRahm […]

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Corporations May Not Want a Contested Primary, But These Top Progressive Leaders Do

In case you missed it: This morning, Politico highlighted a new letter published by longtime labor and environmental activists Larry Cohen and Annie Leonard calling for a contested Democratic primary.Read more of the piece below, then click here to get involved in the Run Warren Run campaign for yourself. Top liberals call for Warren candidacy By Gabriel […]

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Lawrence Lessig, Van Jones, Zephyr Teachout to headline Run Warren Run event in April – Run Warren Run news, 3/27

This is one in a series of semi-regular updates on our Run Warren Run effort and Senator Warren’s work to give all Americans a fighting chance. LAWRENCE LESSIG, VAN JONES, ZEPHYR TEACHOUT TO HEADLINE MAJOR NYC RUN WARREN RUN EVENT IN APRIL. Here’s more from MSNBC’s Alex Seitz-Wald:  “Progressive groups hoping to draft Massachusetts Sen. […]

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MoveOn reaction to pending opening in Democratic caucus leadership and Sen. Schumer’s position on Iran diplomacy

Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) has been mentioned as a potential candidate to lead the Senate Democrats but has signed on as a co-sponsor of two dangerous bills sponsored by Sens. Corker and Menendez, which would undermine diplomacy and risk putting the United States on a path to war with Iran. Ilya Sheyman, executive director of […]

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MoveOn on Harry Reid’s retirement

MoveOn.org Civic Action Executive Director Anna Galland had the following reaction to the news that Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid will retire after the next elections: “Sen. Reid has been a hugely significant leader on so many fronts, from securing the support of every single member of his caucus for historic legislation that dramatically expanded […]

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Oregon MoveOn Members: If Sen. Wyden Supports Fast Track for TPP, We’ll Back a Progressive Challenger in 2016 Primary

More than 79 percent of respondents said they would back a challenger if Wyden supports TPP. MoveOn has more than 88,000 members in Oregon. SALEM, OREGON — Oregon members of MoveOn.org Political Action said overwhelmingly that they would back a progressive challenger to Sen. Ron Wyden (D) if the state’s senior senator supports Fast Track […]

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MUST SEE: MoveOn’s Anna Galland Joins ‘The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell’ to discuss Run Warren Run

Last night, MoveOn.org Civic Action Executive Director Anna Galland joined “The Last Word” with Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC to discuss The Boston Globe’s call for Elizabeth Warren to run for president. Anna, who penned one of the three op-eds that accompanied the piece from The Boston Globe’s editorial board, made the case for Run Warren Run and explained why more […]

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Latino Leaders Arturo Carmona and Erika Andiola Call for a Contested Primary

Exciting news: Two well-known and respected leaders in the immigration reform community have signed a letter calling for a contested Democratic primary in 2016. Arturo Carmona, the executive director of Presente Action, and Erika Andiola, the co-director of the Dream Action Coalition, signed the letter which highlights the need for a strong, contested presidential primary to […]

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