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MoveOn statement on House #NoBillNoBreak sit-in

Ilya Sheyman, executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action, responded to the historic sit-in staged by House Democrats today to urge a vote on common-sense gun control measures: “MoveOn members agree with House Democrats: This is absolutely not the time for business as usual. The only way to honor the victims and families of the Orlando […]

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Thank You, Bernie

How MoveOn Members Helped Power the Bernie Sanders Revolution

The Bernie Sanders campaign has been truly extraordinary. It has upended the conventional wisdom about what’s possible politically in America and has inspired millions of people to get involved in their communities. Please take a minute today and check out the below infographic celebrating the incredible work MoveOn members have done these last 6 months. […]

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MoveOn Slams Senate Republicans and DSCC Chair Jon Tester for Voting Against Background Check Measure

Senate Republicans tonight blocked meaningful action to prevent gun violence in America by failing to pass legislation that would have strengthened our gun-sales background check system. MoveOn.org Political Action Executive Director Ilya Sheyman responded to the vote with the following statement: “For years, in the wake of mass shooting after mass shooting after mass shooting, […]

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MoveOn.org Celebrates Sanders, Congratulates Clinton, and Calls for Democrats to Embrace Sanders’ Agenda at Convention to Defeat Trump

“We’re ready to defeat Donald Trump and those who support and enable his hateful and toxic agenda.” With the voting completed in the final Democratic Primary in Washington, D.C., MoveOn.org Political Action Executive Director Ilya Sheyman released this statement: “MoveOn members congratulate Secretary Hillary Clinton on her glass-ceiling-shattering campaign and being the presumptive Democratic nominee […]

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MoveOn Statement on Donald Trump’s Speech

Karine Jean-Pierre, national spokesperson and senior advisor for MoveOn.org Political Action, had the following response to Donald Trump’s speech today: “As the Orlando community transcends sexual orientation, race, and religion to unite and grieve together, Donald Trump is attempting what yesterday’s assailant couldn’t achieve: to divide Americans and turn our communities against each other. MoveOn […]

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MoveOn Statement on Democratic Primary

MoveOn.org Political Action Executive Director Ilya Sheyman: “In the last year, Bernie Sanders has won 22 states, shattered fundraising records through small donor donations, and electrified millions of Americans with a bold, progressive vision for America. In short, Bernie’s campaign has revolutionized politics as we know it and in doing so brought in millions of […]

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Trump’s racism isn’t just racism. It’s a strategy.

In a new exclusive video with MoveOn.org Civic Action, Demos Action, and Inequality Media, leading progressives voices Demos’s Heather McGhee and University of California-Berkeley Professor Ian F. Haney López expose the many ways in which Donald Trump uses racism as a strategy to divide Americans—for his own gain and for the benefit of others in […]

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MoveOn statement on Obama proposing to expand Social Security benefits

Ilya Sheyman, executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action, responded to President Obama’s statement in support of expanding Social Security: “MoveOn members nationwide applaud President Obama’s call to expand Social Security, a significant new policy and a testament to work of grassroots activists who changed our national dialogue from one of ‘grand bargains’ that hurt seniors […]

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