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Executive Assistant

Full-Time • Starts Immediately • Competitive Compensation • Excellent Benefits Position is based in the Chicago, IL, area MoveOn.org is a community of millions of members working together to create progressive change in America. We take on campaigns to challenge entrenched power and push back against right-wing policies, while pursuing economic, racial, and social justice. […]

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MoveOn on Trump’s First Post-Election Press Conference

This morning, Donald Trump held his first official press conference since the election at Trump Tower in New York City. At the press conference, Trump was questioned on issues related to conflicts of interest, moving his assets into a blind trust, tax returns, approach to the media, and ties to Russia, amongst other topics. Statement […]

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MoveOn.org on Trump Naming Vaccine Skeptic Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to Chair Vaccine Commission

Karine Jean-Pierre, MoveOn.org national spokesperson, had the following statement in response to reports that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – who does not believe in childhood vaccinations – is being tapped to chair a “Donald Trump-requested commission on vaccine safety and ‘scientific integrity.’ “ “It is deeply troubling that Donald Trump has nominated Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to […]

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By participating in a January 14 action:

By choosing to attend this event, you are acknowledging the risks involved, and you are committing to participate non-violently and in accordance with the law, and to work to de-escalate confrontations with Trump supporters or others. You agree (i) not to engage in any act of violence or violation of any applicable law (ii) to […]

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Sessions Lashes Out at MoveOn and NAACP After More Than 180,000 People Sign Petition Overnight Opposing His Nomination Due to His Long Racist Record

MoveOn Petition Was Circulated by Alabama NAACP President Benard Simelton, Who Was Arrested in Civil Disobedience at Sessions’ Office Tuesday MoveOn Also Released New Video Featuring Leading Racial Justice, LGBTQ, and Immigrants’ Rights Advocates Opposing Sessions After a MoveOn.org petition by Alabama NAACP President Benard Simelton opposing the Jeff Sessions attorney general nomination because of […]

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MoveOn members are fighting GOP efforts to take away health care

The conventional wisdom in Washington, D.C., is that come January, Republicans will be able to abolish the AffordableCare Act, torpedoing health insurance coverage for 30 million people and that nobody will make a peep about it. On Dec. 20, we showed that the conventional wisdom is dead wrong. On that day, MoveOn members and allies gathered […]

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Join The Resistance

Dear fellow MoveOn member, There is so much to do in the months and years ahead to build a movement that’s powerful enough to resist Trump’s disastrous agenda, preserve our constitution and civil liberties, stem attacks on vulnerable communities, and reclaim power. The tasks ahead of us may seem overwhelming … even insurmountable. But by […]

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MoveOn Applauds President Obama’s Decision to Dismantle NSEERS Registry, Calls for Continued Need to Stand With Muslim Communities Under Trump

    On Thursday, President Obama announced his administration would be formally ending an existing Muslim registry program (NSEERS) before President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration next year — on the heels of major grassroots pressure from groups like MoveOn.org, Desis Rising Up (DRUM), Credo, the ACLU, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), and other allied organizations. “This decision from […]

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By clicking below, you will be directed to a website operated by MoveOn Education Fund, an independent 501(c)(3) entity.