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MoveOn Reacts to Trump’s Reported Executive Orders on Keystone, DAPL Pipelines

Statement from Anna Galland, executive director of MoveOn.org Civic Action: “Less than four days into Trump’s Presidency, it is clear that the next four years will be about catering to corporate interests and big donors instead of putting American families and communities first. “Overruling the scientists and experts who have previously warned about the dangers […]

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Ready to Resist: Emergency Call with MoveOn.org, Indivisible, and Working Families Party, January 22, 2017

Thank you to the more than 24,800 people who joined in Sunday night, January 22, the day after the historic Women’s Marches, for the Emergency Call with MoveOn.org, Indivisible, and Working Families Party. We moved right into action, learning how to organize locally and effectively to stiffen Democratic spines and weaken pro-Trump Republican resolve, in […]

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Sources for Trump’s #SwampCabinet Nominees Fact Sheet

Sources: Pew Research Washington Post Rolling Stone Washington Post New York Times TIME Slate Salon Media Matters Politico Slate Washington Post Tulsa World Greenpeace Washington Post Mother Jones Fusion Denver Post Salon Daily Beast Slate The Intercept Vice Rep. Mike Pompeo MSNBC Reuters Huffington Post Atlanta Journal-Constitution New York Times

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MoveOn.org on Rex Tillerson’s Confirmation by the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations

Statement from Anna Galland, executive director of MoveOn.org Civic Action: “Rex Tillerson, as former CEO of Exxon-Mobil, has a long record of making deals with dictators and despots and putting the interests of Big Oil over the values and well-being of the American people. Making matters worse, Tillerson’s cozy relationship with Vladimir Putin and his […]

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What’s next? Our plan for the coming months and years. [VIDEO]

As we march and strategize in the days following Trump’s inauguration, and prepare to strategically fight back against Trump’s agenda in coming weeks, we also need to take the long view. Where do we go from here? Informed by what MoveOn members like you have said in surveys, email messages, and at hundreds of community […]

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MoveOn.org: On One of Bleakest Days, A Vow to Resist

Joint statement of MoveOn.org Civic Action Executive Director Anna Galland and MoveOn.org Political Action Executive Director Ilya Sheyman: “This is a bleak day in our nation’s history. “A man is being sworn in as president whose campaign centered on dishonesty, division, and demagoguery and was abetted by the interference of a foreign government. He appealed […]

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LIVE: #WeStandUnited, NYC Rally on Inauguration Eve

On the evening before Trump’s Inauguration, Mayor de Blasio, Minneapolis Mayor Hodges, Reverend Sharpton, Robert De Niro, Sally Field, Mark Ruffalo, Rosie Perez, Alec Baldwin, Marisa Tomei, Julianne Moore, Cynthia Nixon, Natalie Merchant, Michael Moore, and Shailene Woodley will join thousands of New Yorkers and elected officials, community groups and organizations outside of Trump International […]

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MoveOn to the Senate: Reject Extremist Tom Price’s Nomination for HHS Secretary

Statement from Anna Galland, executive director of MoveOn.org Civic Action on Rep. Tom Price’s nomination for Secretary of Health and Human Services: “Rep. Tom Price is wholly unqualified to serve as Secretary for Health and Human Services and the Senate should reject his nomination. “Price has a clear, extreme agenda of ending Medicare, gutting Medicaid, […]

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By choosing to attend this event

By choosing to attend this event, you are acknowledging the risks involved, and you are committing to participate nonviolently and in accordance with the law, and to work to de-escalate confrontations with Trump supporters or others. You agree (i) not to engage in any act of violence or violation of any applicable law (ii) to […]

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Boycott Donald Trump’s Inauguration

On the eve of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday weekend, Congressman John Lewis announced that he will not attend Trump’s swearing-in ceremony. Trump’s response has been to launch a fierce attack against Lewis, accusing the congressman—who has served our nation as a tireless leader of the civil rights movement and for 16 terms […]

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