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Progressive and Social Justice Groups Representing Tens of Millions Push Back On Reports Of A Possible ‘Deal’ On Gorsuch

More Than 20 Groups Send Letter To Senate Democrats Saying Any Deal To Confirm Gorsuch Would Be “A Betrayal Of The Communities You Represent”

Today, more than 20 leading progressive groups led by NARAL Pro-Choice America, MoveOn.org, and Color Of Change sent a letter to all Democratic senators demanding they reject any “deal” that would give Judge Neil Gorsuch a lifetime seat on the Supreme Court.

In the letter, the groups state:

“It’s absurd that any Democratic senator would consider cutting a deal with Republicans and the Trump Administration for a lifetime seat on the Supreme Court at any time—especially now, in the wake of near-constant news of the FBI’s criminal investigation of Donald Trump and his associates over possible collusion with the Russian government to sway the November election.”

The letter warns that the confirmation of Gorsuch would threaten “the rights of women, LGBTQ people, communities of color, and workers.”

The groups conclude, “Anything less than a full commitment to resistance, including a filibuster of Judge Gorsuch, would be a betrayal of the communities you represent.”

The groups joining NARAL, MoveOn.org, and Color Of Change on the letter are: Ultraviolet, Courage Campaign, CREDO, Indivisible, Working Families Party, Daily Kos, National Council of Jewish Women, Bend the Arc Jewish Action, Democracy for America, PICO National Network, Mi Familia Vota, People’s Action, National Center for Lesbian Rights, National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum (NAPAWF), Domestic Worker Legacy Fund, Demand Progress, Progressive Change Campaign Committee, National Action Network, Sierra Club, and Stand Up America.

You can see the full letter below:

U.S. Capitol Building
Washington, DC 20515Re: Reports of a deal to put Judge Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court

Re: Reports of a deal to put Judge Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court

Dear Democratic Senators,

Last night, Politico reported that some Democratic Senators are considering a deal with Republicans to give Judge Neil Gorsuch a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court.

We are stunned and deeply troubled by these reports.

It is absurd that any Democratic Senator would consider cutting a deal with Republicans and the Trump Administration for a lifetime seat on the Supreme Court at any time—especially now, in the wake of near-constant news of the FBI’s criminal investigation of Donald Trump and his associates over possible collusion with the Russian government to sway the November election.

Instead of cutting deals with Republicans to put Judge Gorsuch on the bench, the Senate should be focused on demanding a thorough and independent investigation into the ties between Donald Trump, his associates, and Russian officials during the 2016 campaign.

Those advocating cutting this backroom deal have learned all the wrong lessons of the last election. They would be turning their backs on the millions of people—among them your constituents—who have taken to the streets, flooded town halls, and overwhelmed congressional phone lines in the last few months.

Let us be crystal clear: these Senators have no mandate to trade away our rights and our freedoms in the name of short-sighted political expediency. Neil Gorsuch is more conservative than the late Justice Scalia, will move the Supreme Court to the right, and will betray the rights of women, LGBTQ people, communities of color, and workers. Any deal with Republicans to put him on the bench would endanger a generation worth of progress.

A preemptive cave on the Gorsuch nomination would kneecap the party’s chances in 2018 and hand Trump’s White House a lifetime appointment on the U.S. Supreme Court—all while even Republicans admit this White House is under a ‘big grey cloud’ of a criminal investigation.

We are living through some of the most pivotal times in modern American history, under a reckless, erratic, and corrupt administration. Anything less than a full commitment to resistance, including a filibuster of Judge Gorsuch, would be a betrayal of the communities you represent.


NARAL Pro-Choice America
Color Of Change
Courage Campaign
Working Families Party
Daily Kos
National Council of Jewish Women
Bend the Arc Jewish Action
Democracy for America
PICO National Network
Mi Familia Vota
People’s Action
National Center for Lesbian Rights
National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum (NAPAWF)
Domestic Worker Legacy Fund
Demand Progress
Progressive Change Campaign Committee
National Action Network
Sierra Club
Stand Up America
People For the American Way

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