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MoveOn Statement on Reports that Democrats are Weighing Deal to Approve Gorsuch to the Supreme Court

This evening, POLITICO reported that a group of Senate Democrats were exploring a potential deal with Republicans that would allow Neil Gorsuch to be confirmed to the Supreme Court in exchange for a promise from Republicans not to kill the filibuster for any subsequent vacancy on the Court during President Trump’s term.

In reaction, Jo Comerford, national campaign director for MoveOn.org issued the following statement:

“With new reports out tonight that the FBI has evidence Trump associates coordinated directly with Russian officials to interfere in the 2016 presidential election, there can be no excuse for Senate Democrats to hand the administration a lifetime seat on the Supreme Court.

“The Senate Judiciary Committee should be focused on nothing else but a full investigation into the ties between Donald Trump, his associates, and Russian officials. The American people deserve to know whether their Commander in Chief coordinated with a foreign government to influence the outcome of the 2016 election.”

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