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MoveOn Members’ role in Conor Lamb’s victory in Pennsylvania

In 2016, Donald Trump won the 18th district of Pennsylvania by 20 points. Last Tuesday night, in an impressive upset, that district turned blue. It was grassroots organizers – including 9,000 MoveOn members on the ground – who worked tirelessly to show the country that Democrats can win in 2018, even in deeply conservative districts like […]

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Progressive Victories by MoveOn-Endorsed Candidates in Chicago Send Clear Message: Progressive Values Are Winning

Statement from Ilya Sheyman, executive director of MoveOn.org Political Action, in response to victories by progressive candidates in Tuesday’s Illinois Democratic primaries: “MoveOn members in Illinois and nationwide are celebrating progressive victories, as Jesús ‘Chuy’ García, Fritz Kaegi, Ram Villivalam, and Brandon Johnson all won primaries last night in the state by running inclusive, populist, […]

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How MoveOn members are taking action against gun violence

THANK YOU to the tens of thousands of MoveOn members who’ve contributed to our work supporting student-led organizing and working more generally to confront the NRA. MoveOn has a history of confronting the NRA and working to make real progress in fighting gun violence. Since the massacre in Parkland, MoveOn members have stepped up to […]

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How we move forward for a clean #DreamActNow

The Trump administration has continued to double down on a toxic and cruel anti-immigrant agenda, with policies that will break apart families, increase fear in immigrant communities, and leave the 800,000 immigrant youth who came to the U.S. as children at risk of being deported and torn from the only home they’ve known. One important […]

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Apply for a Kairos Fellowship with MoveOn by Feb. 7

We have an exciting announcement to share–MoveOn is once again going to be a host organization for the Kairos Fellowship! The Spring 2018 Kairos Fellowship is a paid full-time eight-month job for emerging civic tech and online organizers of color. As a participant, you will receive hands-on training, mentorship, and an eight-month paid fellowship at […]

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