That Darn ‘Gay’ Word Keeps Making People Gay
By the Tennessee GOP’s logic, if you don’t say the word “gay,” gayness will just go away. Huh?
By the Tennessee GOP’s logic, if you don’t say the word “gay,” gayness will just go away. Huh?
State Sen. Lena Taylor’s fiery defense of the right to vote in Wisconsin, which would be severely undercut by the Voter I.D. Bill, AKA “Voter Suppression Bill.”
Tennessee tries to ban teachers from using the words “gay” or “homosexual.” Openly gay actor George Takei (Sulu, of the original “Star Trek” series) responds.
What’s really behind the recent wave of ugly anti-immigrant laws?
A fantastic “Word” segment from the other night about a small, power-hungry man in an even smaller town who got himself appointed mayor, finance commissioner, city manager and more. You’ve got to see this one.
We’re talking about these lovebirds.
Oklahoma’s House decided to not let Sally Kern’s racist and sexist remarks slide, and took a vote to officially rebuke her.
Minnesota State Rep. Steve Simon gets to the heart of the gay marriage issue in less than three minutes. Watch:
More and more every day, and it’s bad for democracy. That’s what Eli Pariser says in this popular TED talk, which received a standing ovation from the audience.
This is not a joke.