Take action: Stand with Planned Parenthood

Moments ago, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of an Ohio gay couple in the case of Obergefell v. Hodges, ruling that marriage is a fundamental constitutional right, protected by the Fourteenth Amendment, that extends to same-sex as well as opposite-sex couples. Responding to the decision, Anna Galland, executive director of MoveOn.org Civic […]
On December 3, MoveOn executive director, Anna Galland, hosted an incredible lineup featuring: Cristina Jimenez, co-founder of United We Dream, the nation’s largest immigrant youth-led organization, which was instrumental in winning executive action from President Obama; Heather McGhee, president of Demos, a progressive public policy shop working for an equal say and an equal chance […]
Robert Reich explains the impact that a Republican Senate would have on women’s economic well-being.
When the Koch brothers-backed group Americans for Prosperity mailed false voter registration information to hundreds of thousands of North Carolinians, MoveOn members fought back, chipping in to correct the misinformation by running ads and contacting voters. This full-page ad correcting the misinformation will run this Sunday in North Carolina’s four largest newspapers. The newspaper ads […]
Register to vote here, using this easy online form to get started: http://nationalvoterregistrationday.org/register-to-vote/
In August 2013, Montana Judge G. Todd Baugh sentenced a former high school teacher to just 31 days in prison for the repeated rape of a 14-year-old student. Disturbingly, Baugh argued that the victim was “older than her chronological age” and “as much in control of the situation” as her 49-year-old rapist. That’s why Billings, Montana, resident Kate Olp started a MoveOn Petition urging Judge Baugh to resign.
S. 1975, a new election modernization bill in Massachusetts, would allow early voting, online voter registration, and preregistration, as well as other updates to make voting more fair. These reforms are vital for making elections accessible to as many Bay Staters as possible. That’s why Sara Brady of the organization MassVOTE started several MoveOn Petitions to the legislature, encouraging them to pass the bill.
Listen to where she’s been and the horrors she has seen, and why she’s fighting for abortions to be “safe, legal, and rare.”
Louis Taylor saved people from a fire, yet he was sent to jail for starting it — all because of the color of his skin.