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Category: Moveon Updates

2015 MoveOn Member Priorities Survey Results

Tens of thousands of MoveOn members—from small towns and big cities across all 50 states participated in the MoveOn Member Priorities Survey. They shared their vision for America, and how they’d like to see MoveOn direct energy and resources in pursuing that vision.Of course, we’re already investing deeply in Run Warren Run, an ambitious campaign […]

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MUST SEE: A look back at the work we did together in 2014!

Looking back at this year it is certainly clear that we were faced with plenty of darkness, but at the same time, there’ve been so many reasons for hope! Through it all, MoveOn members never stopped fighting. Take a minute to look at just some of the work we’ve accomplished together this year. Thank you for all you do, and here’s to 2015.

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Run Warren Run news, Dec. 18

It’s been an incredible few days for Run Warren Run — less than two weeks in and we’re already seeing powerful momentum. Java Joe’s coffeehouse was packed for our kick-off event in Des Moines last night. The atmosphere was electric, the speakers inspiring, and the 100 Iowans who showed up were ready to get to […]

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Run Warren Run news, Dec. 15

We’re excited for week 2 of the Run Warren Run campaign, after a powerful launch that led the New Republic’s Danny Vinik to write: “If she chooses to run, we’re going to look back at this week as a pivotal moment in Warren’s decision-making.” This week, the campaign heads to Des Moines for our Iowa […]

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MoveOn Members Voting on Whether to Encourage Elizabeth Warren to Run for President

UPDATE: See early coverage in the New York Times and from CNN. SEE OUR NEWS RELEASE HERE: https://front.moveon.org/warrenvote/ MoveOn.org, one of the nation’s most influential grassroots organizations, is poised to throw our full weight behind a campaign encouraging Senator Elizabeth Warren to run for president, pending a full vote of the MoveOn membership today—the first nationwide […]

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RELEASE: MoveOn voting on whether to draft Elizabeth Warren for President

UPDATE: See early coverage in the New York Times and from CNN.   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 CONTACT: press@moveon.org MoveOn Kicks Off Member Vote on Campaign to Encourage Elizabeth Warren to Run for President MoveOn’s 8 million members will vote until 9 a.m. EST Wednesday on whether to launch a major ‘Run Warren Run’ […]

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Colorado students use MoveOn Petition to fight censorship

Colorado high school student Bethany Keupp, along with her fellow student-activists, teachers, parents and concerned community members staged a massive rally outside of a Jefferson County School Board meeting on Thursday, demanding that the board withdraw a proposal to censor their history curriculum. The students then delivered a MoveOn Petition with more than 40,000 signatures to school board members. The […]

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MoveOn fights back against voter suppression in North Carolina

When the Koch brothers-backed group Americans for Prosperity mailed false voter registration information to hundreds of thousands of North Carolinians, MoveOn members fought back, chipping in to correct the misinformation by running ads and contacting voters. This full-page ad correcting the misinformation will run this Sunday in North Carolina’s four largest newspapers. The newspaper ads […]

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MoveOn Members Endorse 9 Senate Candidates

MoveOn members are fired up to save the Senate from a right wing Republican takeover this fall. They have overwhelmingly voted to endorse nine candidates who will fight for the middle class against the influence of the Koch brothers and other right wing billionaires. This fall MoveOn’s 8 million members will mobilize to turn out […]

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