Category: Uncategorized
By MoveOn Staff. Tuesday, June 4 2013
When Bain Capital took over the Guitar Center stores in 2005, they cut insurance benefits, increased mandatory sales targets, slashed wages, and made it harder for employees to earn commissions. That’s why Guitar Center workers created a MoveOn Petition asking company executives to recognize their right to unionize and negotiate for a fair contract.
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By MoveOn Staff. Wednesday, May 29 2013
This is live and is happening right now. WATCH:
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By MoveOn Staff. Thursday, May 23 2013
If we’re going to correct America’s economic course, it’s going to take a whole lot more people understanding this. Can you do your part to share it? WATCH:
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Economic Justice | Health Care
By MoveOn Staff. Wednesday, May 22 2013
It’s something that’d be really good for the economy and families, but the GOP hopes you’re not paying much attention to so they can weaken or stop it. WATCH:
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Economic Justice | Immigration
By MoveOn Staff. Friday, May 17 2013
Hint: It isn’t Wal-Mart.
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Economic Justice
By MoveOn Staff. Thursday, May 16 2013
Did you guess what it is?
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By MoveOn Staff. Tuesday, May 14 2013
Want to hear about it?
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Economic Justice | Immigration
By MoveOn Staff. Friday, May 10 2013
She’s not afraid to spell out the kind of people we are (and aren’t).
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Economic Justice | Organizing
By MoveOn Staff. Tuesday, May 7 2013
Well, now we really know how he really feels.
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By MoveOn Staff. Monday, May 6 2013
Celeste Greig, head of the California Republican Assembly, told the media that pregnancies by rape are rare “because it’s an act of violence, because the body is traumatized.” The Courage Campaign started a MoveOn Petition calling for Greig’s resignation from her leadership position over the unscientific, offensive comments.
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