The Muppets, Lebowski, and Willy Wonka Explain How the NSA Is Spying on You

Does your email include a word that the government is tracking? Check this out and let us know if it feels like an Orwell novel.
Does your email include a word that the government is tracking? Check this out and let us know if it feels like an Orwell novel.
If banjos and a fluffy white dog are more your style than twerking, check this out.
Once again, Senator Warren reminds us we are not a nation of quitters and has a stern message for the Tea Party.
Did you know that your C-section, asthma, or pregnancy is a “preexisting condition” that insurance companies can use to deny you coverage?
Tea Party Republicans have driven the government to a shutdown for the first time in 17 years. At stake, thanks to their showmanship, is our ongoing economic recovery. That’s why we’ll be holding Tea Party Republicans accountable for this nonsense. Can you start today by sharing this image?
Did you know that, before Obamacare, women paid nearly 70% more than men for out-of-pocket medical costs? Yikes.
Just try not to grin as this high school senior drops some rhymes about an unexpected topic.
Did you have this much chutzpah at 14?
This graphic explains exactly why the American Legislative Exchange Council is so scary.
There’s a lot of misinformation being tossed around regarding Obamacare. Here is a comprehensive, painless, and engaging seven minutes of the “YouToons” filling us in on what we need to know before enrollment starts on October 1, 2013 and the plans beginning on January 1, 2014.