There Are No Words To Express How Sad This Is

In times of crisis and sorrow, it is so important to just put our arms around our neighbors and be there for them. We are with you, Aurora.
In times of crisis and sorrow, it is so important to just put our arms around our neighbors and be there for them. We are with you, Aurora.
Our hearts, thoughts, and prayers are with the victims and their families. Here is the statement from our President:
When you look at it this way, you can see how scary this really is.
If we didn’t laugh at the Republican party, we’d cry.
From the folks who brought you ‘The Story Of Stuff,’ this gets to the heart of what if takes to fight for positive change.
Did they forget the part about “We, The People” electing them in the first place?
It seems the “united we stand” motto isn’t in their handbook.
Nailed it.
This manages to sum up the entire story while making us laugh out loud.