Paul Ryan Gets Booed In His Own District

Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) is having a bit of a hard time selling his constituents on his plan to end Medicare in order to pay for more tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires.
Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) is having a bit of a hard time selling his constituents on his plan to end Medicare in order to pay for more tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires.
This is not a joke.
Message from Corporate America to the unemployed: “Want a job? Get a passport and go find one!”
And it goes a little something like this…
Wisconsin State Senator Randy Hopper sure thinks he’s one sexy guy.
What could be cuter than cartoon polar bears chatting about climate change?
…now that House Republicans voted to end Medicare as we know it.
It’s simple, really. Their combined income keeps going up…