How Much More Do We Spend On Grenades Than Foreign Aid?

Find out with this snazzy-but-sobering infographic:
Find out with this snazzy-but-sobering infographic:
These five charts fully explain the definition of “American Exceptionalism.”
For the past four months, Republicans have been preoccupied.
Is that why they want to defund family planning clinics where no abortions are actually performed?
Quite possibly. Just check out these rapidly declining tea party rally attendance numbers.
She’s never “asking for it.”
Even if you don’t do anything else for Earth Day, you should watch this. And not litter.
An inspiring speech from’s Bill McKibben on fighting with unity and saving the earth.
Meet Philip Spooner, a Republican we can all get along with.
Nancy Pelosi rips apart Republicans for voting to end Medicare, and for giving tax breaks to big oil and companies that send jobs overseas.